2022 new political compass DRAFT for comment
Wikipedia can tell you about several earlier attempts at Political Compasses. I never responded much to any of them. While I was working on my book on re-inventing liberal arts colleges, I was looking again at Paul Ray’s political compass from 1999 (at end of this piece). I was grateful for what came to me.
In mine I make the horizontal axis PAST on the left and FUTURE on the right .
I make the vertical axis, Highest good for 99% of the population — plus high personal responsibility and accountability — ON TOP.
On the BOTTOM I put The Highest good for the top 1% — plus low personal responsibility and accountability.
The vertical axis uses TWO overlapping, coinciding dimensions.
In this way, Class is included; and by inference, higher education (the most-overlooked factor in demographic analysis in my experience).
The result is a more VALUES-oriented four-fold division of people.
This won’t be useful for all purposes. I’m open to comments pro and con about whether it’s more useful than earlier political compasses.
If this kind of diagram is brand new to you, I recommend looking at Johari Window in Wikipedia
Scroll down to see the many psychological uses the Window can be put to.
Q: Can every group of people be reduced to four categories?
A: Absolutely not. This is why MBTI’s 16-fold division is so useful.
What I proposing is a four-fold division which may have more usefulness than the earlier four — fold divisions.
This is not copyrighted. Go ahead and make your own version or use this one.