#3 Befriending Your Biology: To the Student
To incoming students 2122
I’m only in the first grade, compared to where you [students] are going to take this ~ Carey Reams
The ideal student for USBA training…
1) Has attended a Waldorf-methods middle school; where, urine-saliva testing experiments were done, as part of a one month Health & Self-care curriculum block. This led to determining the correct calcium to balance your biochemistry, at this time.
2) Has attended a Waldorf-methods high school; where, as part of a one month Health & Self-care curriculum block, a refractometer was used to examine both plant juices and human urine to determine brix (carbohydrate density) and look for — or rule out — evidence of hypoglycemia.
3) After high school, has completed their year of National Service. First year of NBA college serving in a clinic for an underserved population can also be used to satisfy the National Service requirement.
4) Alternatively, persons with maturity and life experience, changing careers from some other field, going into healthcare.
To the student
The Authors celebrate your decision to embark on your own “Fantastic Voyage” into human biochemistry; and a career as a USBA Certified Tester. A large fraction of you will also pursue higher levels of Test-result Interpreter Competency. A few of you are likely to bailout of USBA and go into Chiropractic, Naturopathy or Traditional Chinese Medicine. All good by us. USBA urine-saliva testing ala Reams, is being incorporated into more and healthcare specialities.
Here, your attention will be directed to the unique biochemistry of Living Waters in each person, one at a time.
This text intends to empower students to feel safe and comfortable learning about their own body’s internal workings; and, the internal workings of a wide range of bodies, infants to the elderly.
In your second semester, classroom time will focus on facilitating and empowering students to communicate with each other about testing and interpreting. Healthy, productive collaboration with other tester-analyzers on testing, interpretation and recommendation issues is what employers most look for and celebrate in USBAS graduates. In the workplace, ability to work with others, is foundational for team synergy and clinic harmony.
At the end of your first year, a very large fraction of you will acquire your Level One USBA Interpretation Competency Certificate. This permits you to work at any of over one thousand USBA clinics and testing services worldwide — or start your own testing company.
In case news to you, in USBA, competency at performing testing is distinct and separate from competency at test-result number interpretation.
At the end of your Freshman year, one year of study and in-service, you can request to take the Level One Interpretation Competency Exam. This checks for a basic cognitive understanding of test-result significance and Basic Best Practices you have been exposed to.
At the end of your second year, two years years of study and clinic internship, you can request to take the Level Two Interpretation Competency Exam. It has a written and an oral part. The oral part is done in triads of three students.
Your team is tasked with coming up with
(1) a coherent interpretation of what organic conditions are perceivable in this case; and, in which order of priority to address them?; and,
(2) Which one, two or three recommendations derived from this patron’s numbers and interpretation, are likely to be priority? This checks for competency in test-result number ingterpretation; and, in Best Practices In Working With Others.
Each working group session is videotaped for review if useful.
The goal is to graduate Analysts who embrace and uphold:
- the value of creating group agreement between testing-analysis colleagues, and
- awareness of the dangers of fooling themselves, either thru arrogance; or, thru giving-in-to-get-along “group think.” In this way Healthcare Colleges support collaborative workplaces and creative synergy in the professional field after graduation.
After five years of service in a public clinic, seeing persons of all ages; and, an unrestricted range of health concerns and conditions, you can request to take the Level Two Interpretation Competency Exam. The written part is “My Theory of How New Cells Are Replaced in Human Bodies.” This is done independently and requires one or more semesters in the Alt-Physics-Biology Seminar. Many students begin this project in their Freshman year. Three completed theses have already become books published by major publishers. The oral part is the same as for Level One Competency above.
Learning how to interpret test results, learning how to make internal pictures of relationships contained in a fresh set of numbers put into the formula — is the art of USBA. In any art — you never stop learning. No end exists to what can be deduced and intuited from Reams’ seven tests.
We celebrate the new texts on USBA test interpretation now appearing; especially:
- Making Your Own Internal Pictures from R7 Test Numbers (illustrated, 2111) by Carmine Dioxide, USBA-II, Dr. Joaquin Matilda, Victor Analysis, PhD., et al.
What you will do in Freshman year
For those with little anatomy background, the Anatomy Coloring Book will be a required text. For those with considerable anatomy background, a pass-fail test to skip Basic Anatomy is available.
You will be exposed to current Best Practices in:
- urine-saliva specimen collection,
- urine-saliva specimen analysis with reagents and meters,
- a wide range of patron physical disorders,
- a wide range of positive treatment outcomes using primarily foods, supplements, colonics and occasional herbs.
Much of your learning will be hands-on, including shadowing upper division students and professors. In your second year, many of you will play the role of team leader for younger students.
You will be supported to address your own health challenges as you are willing to heal them. You will start with learning about your own anatomy and biochemistry, how it works, what balances your Living Waters for your needs. In small groups of five, each student will share what health challenges they are working on and how they feel about their challenges. Students support each other on their willingness to heal; and, to re-build their vitality and optimism for life. Exploring your own biochemical makeup, strengths and weaknesses, will occupy a large number of classroom and study hours.
Q: Will I learn to “see into the body” the way Reams did?
A: You may aspire to this. Your progress in this area will vary according to individual talent and experience. Classroom dyad, triads and small group exercises will support you to learn your own most-preferred sensory channels among kinesthetic (feeling, empathy), auditory (hearing), small-taste; and, visual.
Using the Table of Contents, okay to skip forward to the two chapters on Interpretation.
Professors will share how they interpret numbers into internal pictures. Visiting practitioners will share how internal imagery comes to them when they view a new set of numbers.
What about vital signs in USBA?
A class on taking each other’s vital signs and demographic info is given. It includes role plays for taking vitals from children, infants and resistant patients. This prepares you to take vital signs and demographic information for new clinic patients.
We currently teach these vital signs. Vital signs collected in clinics you are placed in may vary.
- Gender, age, height, weight, ethnicity. These are what Reams collected.
- blood type if known,
- Vital signs: body temp, pulse rate, blood pressure, respiration,
- Reams’ seven tests (R7) test panel,
- Pictures of fingernails and tongue are added to chart for later possible use,
- If thyroid complaints are mentioned or suspected, the patron is given a thermometer, instructions and a reporting form for correct at-home reporting of basal body temp over one week.
SIDEBAR ~ What happened to vital signs?
Measures of temperature, pulse and respiration were based on the idea of homeostasis. The idea was a “basket” of homeostatic set-points taken together could and would define “health” and “wellness” based on demographic averages of “normal.”
In the 2050s, the awareness became more widespread how these never added up to a whole-body-picture of optimal, thriving, digestion, assimilation, vitality production and waste elimination.
It turned out, not more tests but fewer tests, plus a number array describing optimal vitality and resilience of a person’s internal Living Waters was the far better criteria for health.
Add to this, the number array for optimal health could be made into a visual aid chart. It could hang on a wall or be sent home as a handout. From this any patron interested could self-test pH and learn if they were likely improving or declining from their last set of USBA numbers.
By 2060, a quorum of healthcare professionals understood a whole-body-picture of metabolism could be reliably derived from not more tests — but fewer tests — and an array of numerical values from which it was obvious where the health of an individual was heading.
Whatever happened to patient intake case histories?
I am willing to take any case, without seeing the person, or having any case history , and in thirty minutes can tell by the numbers what the problem is — Choose Life or Death pg. 85
A: Go by the numbers. No case histories ~ Challen Waychoff p. 150 #163
… work with the liver and let Nature rebuild … ~ ibid p. 152 #189
God is the great physician working through Nature ~ ibid p. 152 #190
… No such thing as an inherited disease, only mineral deficiencies handed down from one generation to the next … ~ ibid p. 156 #243
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Patient-Specific healthcare
As you know, since the 2040s-2050s, public healthcare has shifted radically from “disease-specific” to “patient-specific.” We credit the World Health Org. (WHO) for their efforts, beginning in 2040 to pro-actively address national and international public health. Their goal was to avoid future pandemic episodes like the 2020–2021 pandemic. By 2035 the WHO understood Old Medicine, diagnose-drug-vacccine medicine was doing nothing at all to increase national and international health security for the 99%.
The WHO also realized the 2020–2021 pandemic proclaimed Public Health Education 1950–2030 a failure. When it was needed, it was worse than useless. It needed wholesale re-conceiving. This began ferment in WHO which culminated in the “Medical Olympics” of 2042, detailed later in this text.
Looking back from 2122, it may seem odd to imagine people one-hundred years ago, were more interested in diseases and naming them (pathology, diagnosis) than in the health and welfare of people. Yet, this was the case. This text, Befriending Your Biology, aligns with mainstream public healthcare Best Practices since the 2050s, supporting each individual to exercise personal agency on their Journey into Health.
Next week: First piece of the New Patron Introductory booklet