Aaron Sorkin’s West Wing re-evaluated as Fabianism. See if you recognize this in any current leaders
Fabianism is a term used only in the UK. The most-influential early Fabian theorists included George Bernard Shaw. Now it’s being applied more broadly to US neoliberals; and, their children who succeded them.
Fabianism has been criticized from the left for two things:
- Its rejection of notions of class struggle; and
- Its focus on creating social solidarity from above.
In 2023 Cultural Creatives are beginning to recognize both these underplay all problems of the working class; and, excuse-avoid-deny any reality to Marx’s Class Warfare.
The early Fabians rejected the revolutionary doctrines of Marxism, recommending instead a gradual — elite controlled — transition to a socialist society.
Fabianism is charged as being based on inherently elitist assumptions, born of its adherents’ generally relatively comfortable upbringings and university education.
Equally, Fabianism has been criticized from the right for ignoring the role of markets, in which benevolent administrators have a smaller role than in planned societies.