Change Agent Archetypes (from Change 101) Peter Schulte
Making Cultural Creatives a more accessible topic?
… The work of the change agent is to know and be who they really are. In other words, the most impactful change agents focus their energies where they are uniquely positioned to enact change. They use the sharpest tools in their toolbox. They play the roles in which they truly thrive. They grapple with the challenges over which they have particular influence or insight.
The most impactful change agents understand that they cannot be everything to everyone. They know exactly what their role in change is and they focus on it like a laser beam.
An ecosystem
Imagine a thriving, beautiful old-growth forest teeming with life. There is no one individual or species that leads it. There is no one element that defines it. The forest is a confluence of plants, animals, fungus, bacteria, and more, each offering something new, unique, and vital. What makes the forest so beautiful and rich is how these diverse elements balance and complement one another. Together, and only together, they transform into something more dynamic and resilient than the sum of its parts. They become the forest.
Change is like that forest. It is an ecosystem that relies on many disparate, often contrasting or even competing, actors each doing what they do best, each being who they really are, each balancing and complementing the other. …
The archetypes
Each person willing to be a positive change agent plays a unique role in the ecosystem of change. Change agent roles can be distilled down into a handful of archetypes, just as the forest can be divided by biological kingdoms or species. Which category of change agent supports you to identify your specific contribution potential? Let’s focus our energies accordingly.
Some common change agent archetypes include:
- Activist: The activist strategizes, organizes, and disrupts on the front lines.
- Analyst: The analyst builds knowledge of critical challenges and solutions.
- Artist: The artist inspires creativity and awakens new perspectives
- Communicator: The communicator raises awareness of challenges, risks, and opportunities.
- Connector: The connector grows personal relationships and networks among change agents.
- Conservator: The conservator protects and maintains the existing aspects of the world that serve us.
- Entrepreneur: The entrepreneur creates and builds new organizations.
- Healer: The healer works with and holds space for physical, emotional, and spiritual pain.
- Intrapreneur: The intrapreneur builds new initiatives or paradigms within existing organizations.
- Satirist: The satirist exposes the shortcomings, inconsistencies, and ironies of existing paradigms.
- Sage: The sage teaches us presence and connects us to the wisdom of the universe.
- Visionary: The visionary dreams up new paradigms for a better world.
Comment ~ Peter’s piece above may be a breakthru useful in two topics:
1) You may have spelled out the next level of distinctions in the demographic called Cultural Creatives. Contact me if you wish conversation on this. Your list could support more people claiming-waking-up to their own Cultural Creative preference.
2) The field of MBTI. If new to you, the best orientation is On first glance, these categories sound very resonant with the 16 patterns of personal reference and may divide easily into the four major categories. This would be win-win for Peter and MBTI.