Chapter 2 ~ 1931: Dr. Carey Reams
Serializing chapters from: More “Oomph,” Nature’s Plan for Human Physical Wellness Thru Metabolic Typing (2023)
“I’m only in the first grade, compared to where you [students] are going to take this [metabolic patterns]” ~ Dr. Carey Reams
Let’s define Metabolic Typing as using food to improve our biomarkers; where, the reference range for biomarkers is the optimal health — not “normal” not “average” — of a primary metabolic system.
Given this definition, this activity began in 1931 with Dr. Carey Reams. He identified lymph chemistry as one of our primary metabolic function. Why? Aside from oxygen, all our cells and organs receive their nourishment from what’s in our lymph (also called interstitial fluid). Lymph is the fluid compartment all our cells and organs must live in. Lymph is the living water between and around all our cells and organs.
In 1931 Reams pioneered and established a reference range for optimal lymph health — not “normal” not “average.” Ever since, it’s been possible to compare lymph biochem markers (biomarkers) to Dr. Reams’ reference range numbers. Why? To assess the health or disturbed nature of a person’s human lymph chemistry.
How did he do this? During the 1930s American Dust Bowl experience, Reams worked as an agronomist (soil scientist). The father of a neighbor family came to Reams. His three year-old son was having frequent life-threatening seizures. The medical doctors had given up on the boy. The father asked Dr. Reams if he could do anything for his son.
A dedicated Christian, Dr. Reams took this opportunity to serve seriously. Over several weeks, thru a process of prayer, fasting, and analytical chemistry experiments, he discovered an array of seven biomarker numbers; which, taken together, represented optimal biochemical wellness for our lymph.
Non-invasive specimen collecting
Even better, Dr. Reams’ testing protocol doesn’t require a blood draw or other invasive specimen collection. He derived his seven biomarkers non-invasively, from fresh samples of urine and saliva. He determined non-invasive tests were sufficient to generate useful, reliable biomarker numbers.
After seven biomarkers for a patron are calculated, they are compared to the optimally healthy reference ranges Dr. Reams uncovered. The more your numbers vary away from optimal values, the more disordered your lymph metabolism is; and/or, the more all your metabolic functions suffer.
After decades of testing thousands of human clients, Reams was convinced the number values representing optimal metabolic wellness were the same for anyone, regardless of their health, age, or gender. No evidence to the contrary exists so far.
Q: Why did Dr. Reams study lymph and not blood?
A: Have you ever seen live blood on a video monitor? An overwhelming number of phenomena are visible.
dg-live blood on video
More pictures of healthy and unhealthy blood online if you search in Images for: healthy and unhealthy blood.
Compared to the blood on the left, blood on the right has definite visual characteristics. However to my knowledge, these visual differences have never been made into reliable numerical biomarker values. Put simply, visual interpretation of blood specimens, live on video; or, dried samples, is an artistic activity, subjective in nature, heavily dependent on metaphor, a primarily right-brain-hemisphere activity. Biomarker number are neither much generated nor much used in subjective interpretation of blood samples.
Internal farm metaphor
In our ‘internal farm,’ our cells and organs are the ‘produce.’ Our internal lymph is analogous to a farm’s soil. Plants and trees must get most of their water and minerals from the soil. In our ‘internal farm,’ cells, tissues and organs get water and minerals from our lymph.
Nature gave us two easy ways to perceive and monitor our lymph, urine and saliva. They are direct lymph products.
While blood primarily delivers oxygen, lymph delivers moisture and building blocks for new cells: mineral ions and other liver products used to make new cells (albumin). As well, Lymph delivers fresh nutrients and removes toxins, stray pathogens and metabolic wastes in a timely manner.
Nature’s Plan for physical wellness
Nature has a Plan for human physical wellness. Nature’s Plan has A, and B parts. Part A is to make sure nothing interferes with oxygen getting to all our cells. Without oxygen, our cells die. A pH close to 7.4 is the best acid~alkaline balance for red blood cells:
- To on-board oxygen in the lungs; and
- To off-load oxygen to cells and tissues.
Oxygen metabolism is Nature’s highest metabolic priority for us. Nature designed our metabolism so any correction to the acid~alkaline balance (pH) of our bloodstream, is done AUTOMATICALLY.
This means what drink and eat does not affect our blood pH by more than a few percents (0.01) in either direction, acid or alkaline. Thru our lungs and kidneys, Nature does this balancing job for us.
Since we cannot easily alter or measure our blood chemistry, this means neither can we learn from our own blood chemistry. At home, blood chemistry is almost impossible to experiment with; the changes we can make are too subtle to perceive. Healthy blood chemistry is given to us; we cannot easily change it. This is Part A of Nature’s Plan for human health.
Part B of Nature’s Plan is for us to learn about our own biochemistry. How? By what we eat and drink. While food and drink do NOT change our blood much, both have dramatic impact on our lymph.
How do we know? By testing our urine and saliva. Nature’s Plan, Part B is for us to become capable, competent stewards of our our internal metabolism, by learning to perceive the effects of food and drink on our lymph chemistry. Two hours after a main meal, the effects of food and drink, on our lymph chemistry, can easily be measured. Nature gives us freedom to experiment on our lymph and interstitial fluid — not blood; nor, the water inside cells — by what we do and do not eat and drink.
Q: What biomarkers did Dr. Reams measure?
A: Seven primary biomarkers measuring:
- Sugar-carbs
- urine pH
- saliva pH
- electrolytes, electrical conductivity
- Cell debris
- Nitrate nitrogen, and
- Ammonia nitrogen
The seven urine-saliva tests yield seven biomarkers numbers. For each biomarker, Dr. Reams uncovered an optimal A Reference Range. This A Range is also a “healing range.” Each of your biomarker numbers is compared to its optimal A Reference Range (Numbers are the most precise invention yet for comparing two things).
The comparison reveals seven measures of the hyper, hypo or in-balance condition of your lymph biochemistry.
Q: What does this tell me?
A: Given your last main meal, your seven-number array describes how efficiently your processes of digestion, assimilation, vitality production and waste elimination were performed.
The more all biomarkers are within the healthy A Range, the more vitality and physical “oomph” a person experiences. The more biomarkers are hyper- or hypo- compared to their A Range, the less physical vitality a person has (Metabolic Typing uses its different biomarkers the same way).
Whoever puts food and drink in your mouth is the primary party responsible for maintaining your seven biomarkers in their optimally healthy A Reference Range. Make sense?
Nature’s Plan for physical wellness, Parts A, B & C
For those interested, Nature’s Plan, Parts A & B, invites us to learn and manage our own biochemical health. Nature’s Plan, Part C is for each one who learns how to do this — to educate two or more other people how to be knowledgeable stewards of their internal liquid environment, our internal Living Waters.
Q: This was uncovered in 1931? Did anyone notice?
A: Very few. Like his contemporary, Wilhelm Reich, Reams’ innovations and patient testimonials, are always compared to his professional biography; where, his character was assassinated, he was imprisoned; and, three unlawful search and seizures of all his research papers occurred. At whose request? By complaints from hospital doctors. Why? In his retreats, Dr. Reams was taking patients away from doctors and hospitals. Doctors were especially angry Reams took away their cancer patients. This directly threatened their income from cancer treatment.
Q: The longer disordered lymph chemistry persists, the more likely physical symptoms will appear?
A: Yes.
In a fresh set of numbers, consultants trained in interpreting Dr. Reams’ number arrays, can “read” within the numbers and ratios, many metabolic-electrochemical patterns. With this information, RBTI consultants can then customize diet, drink and supplements, to move our internal lymph terrain numbers back into the optimal healing-rebuilding range; thus, benefitting all cells, organs, aches, pains and symptoms.
To Learn More
Beddoe, Alexander, DDS. Biological Ionization as Applied to Human Nutrition (2008).
Sharps, Rankin, Reams-Hernandez. Ultimate Answer to Health and Vitality, Reams Biological Theory of Ionization with Original Medicine (2023)
Dickson, Bruce. Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out (2021).
Beddoe, A.F. DDS
Our most meaningful internal terrain
Our most significant internal “terrain” is our internal Living Waters. Why? Two reasons:
- It shows more obvious dramatic changes two hours after eating than any other body specimen, and
- Equipment needed to test all seven biomarkers costs under $2,000. Single tests are done in-office, take 30 minutes to do, while-you-wait; and, can cost as little as $25. Much can even be learned using only pH paper tape (about $8). All metabolic typing tests naturally require training in how to administer them; and, how to interpret results.
For purposes of balancing, healing, re-building our internal cells and organs, the health of our internal Living Waters is our most significant internal “terrain.”
SIDEBAR ~ How Metabolic Typing differs from Terrain Theory
The history of Terrain Theory, goes back to the 1850s, the days of Bechamp, contemporary of Pasteur. The Terrain Theory of Health is a positive, progressive history. As you know, in the marketplace of commerce, the regressive Germ Theory of Pathology out-competed Terrain Theory economically. The focus of Western healthcare became which microbes are present in each kind of degraded (pathologized) tissue.
What’s good about the Terrain Theory of Health is its focus is on HOW and WHY did this tissue become so deficient, so low frequency, lose its vitality, so microbes, Nature’s waste-removal engineers, were attracted?
How does Metabolic Typing differ in focus? The focus of MetType is not on physical terrain per se, blood, lymph and tissues. Its focus is on primary, internal metabolic systems; specifically and especially, several, two-phase primary functions. One of these is our nervous system type. Another is by which method our mitochondria produce cellular energy most efficiently.
Make sense to you?
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