Chapter 3 ~ Metabolic Homeostasis 101
Serializing chapters from: More “Oomph,” Nature’s Plan for Human Physical Wellness Thru Metabolic Typing (2023)
How does our immune-system-self think? I liken its biochemical thinking to that of a three year old girl. Inside us, she “thinks” about homeostasis like this, “Does my system now feel hyper, hypo or balanced?”
If one primary metabolic system is hyper, she flips the “braking function” ON. If one primary metabolic system is hypo, she flips the “stimulating function” ON. Trouble arises when either the braking or stimulating system is burned-out (chronic stress burns out our stimulating system). Then whichever ON systems are still working, have to over-compensate for the weak one — until they too burn out.
In this way, our immune-system-self, as best she is able — maintains internal balance, peace and contentment — in five or more primary metabolic functions.
If “more physical oomph” is your goal, you find it in identifying which of your five primary metabolic functions are strongest and weakest. Once this is known, it’s easy to look up a diet to moderate-modulate your hyper-functions; and, nourish (stimulate) your hypo-functions.
The foundation of our physical wellness is the robustness of our primary metabolic functions (listed below).
In this way Homeostasis is a dynamic balancing act.
Q: This sounds simple. Why wasn’t I taught this in middle and high school?
A: It’s only simple after you understand it. Once you learn which of your systems are hyper and hypo; and, which foods balance them, your body becomes an experimental laboratory showing you how to create more balance and more oomph.
Look at the elephant balancing on the ball. Is it obvious what the elephant does to balance? No, it’s NOT obvious. Externally it appears the elephant is NOT MOVING. What the elephant is doing to balanc is NOT OBVIOUS.
Only when we become curious and compassionate do we uncover and identify the multiple internal functions the elephant uses to create and hold a balance of forces. In the same way, how our immune system self balances all our ON~OFF switches to produce internal balance is hidden from us.
Make sense?
Q: If my own internal homeostasis is hidden from me, how do I become its good steward?
A: The only way I know is thru “willingness to heal,” a phrase from Bertrand Babinet ( Our conscious waking Self has to make a deliberate effort, has to first be curious; then, choose to learn about metabolic things. Either that or be willing to hire a health coach. After age 28 or 35, optimal physical health is NOT automatic. It is found by learning about your own internal workings and applying what you know to stewardship of your major metabolic systems.
Q: Why don’t more people choose to learn this?
A: Outside of Waldorf-methods schools, conventional K-12 schools do not yet support effective life-long learning. Learners are trained merely to be corporate consumers and corporate workers.
Second, not everyone is interested in self-mastery. Learning about and understanding your own metabolic systems is part of self-mastery. Some people are motivated to learn this by a life-threatening disease. What will it take for you to learn about your own metabolic functions?
Once you understand an internal, dynamic balancing act is going on inside you 24/7; then, you understand Homeostasis. Multiple paired functions are all striving to hold a healthy mid-point, their healthy A Range of function.
Your personal “Achilles Heel”
By the way, your least efficient metabolic functions are your natural “Achilles Heel.” Yours could be low blood sugar, low minerals, depression, etc. Many of these connect with burnout, adrenal exhaustion. All the more reason to learn how to nourish your weak functions so their biomarkers can move back into their Healthy A Range.