Chapter 7
Healing Ranges and Zone chart

Bruce Dickson
11 min readNov 13, 2021


Part two of two

My best guess how to prevent all future pandemics. What needs to be learned. Returning healthcare back to individuals, families and neighborhoods.
A serializing of Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out. Available on Kindle now. USBA stands for “urine-saliva biomarker testing,” a new name given to the original method of Dr. Carey Reams.

Beddoe chart one of two he made

dg-Range and Zone chart © Beddoe estate. Permission to use requested twice.

A Range numbers annotated by Beddoe

What are the A Range numbers? The values represent the the target Chemical Window within which new cells have optimal access to all mineral nutrients, oxygen and energy. This insures optimal capacity and ability for cellular and organ regeneration. The chemistry of your internal Living Waters holds this positive potential.

The quality of the chemistry of our Internal Living Waters determines the speed at which the liver can make the products which new cells, use to make new cells. Maintaining this chemistry, as much as possible, enables storing up minerals for a rainy day. A Range numbers also represent optimal conditions, outside of blood, for digestion, assimilation, producing vitality and waste elimination.

Q: What do the other ranges represent?

A: The B, C, ranges are the least bad distortions of A range numbers, in Ranges B and C phs are alkaline. Ranges D and E are the more bad distortions, the acidic pH ranges.

Consider how much precision this is about conceiving and perceiving optimal health; compared to, the fuzz view of “normal” health: “I am well enuf to go to work; my kids are well enuf to go to school.”

Consider how health defined as A Range internal chemistry, is not equated to “normal behavior.” A Range chemistry suggests an absolute optimal chemistry for physical wellness. Over one hundred years of clinical and home experiments support the validity of Reams’ assertion.

[As of 2006] over the past 40–50 years, the numbers of Reams’ formula have been checked and cross-checked by multiple RBTI consultants. What conclusions have these decades of clinical experiments led to?

- A person with numbers in a certain range was found to be free from all disease symptoms and enjoying vigorous health,
- People experiencing miraculous physical healings had their numbers within the A range,
- The further away a person’s chemistry drifts from these ideal numbers, the greater their physical discomfort was.

Through the years, experience has proven a fresh set of test result numbers, compared to this formula, proves amazingly accurate for determining the degree of health a person might be experiencing ~ Reorganized from Beddoe p. 37, end of page.

Q: Aren’t we supposed to avoid absolutes? Where is the leniency, the wiggle room? Where is the forgiveness?

A: It’s worth addressing. In clinical practice, clients exhibiting perfect A Range numbers remain rare. The good news? You can’t go wrong bettering your number array towards the A Range. Even if no human being ever achieved A Range numbers, it still benefits everyone wishing to improve their health, benefits from making changes which result in A Range numbers.

More good news? In 2050, a worldwide data base collection of R7 array numbers was begun with a small grant. It is now much larger and free online for researchers and the public to access. The world is organized by country; then, broken down by various available demographics within each country.

One thing it shows is the few incidences of perfect test result number arrays is inching up slowly each year since 2050. By 2060 converged with health insurance statistics, papers began to be written on how USBA (RBTI) testing-consulting was improving the health of the general population in the countries adopting USBA healthcare clinics and testing franchises.

Q: What should I tell my next new client about the chances they can achieve perfect array numbers?

A: We suggest it’s meaningful to inform new clients “health improvement” is the goal, not “perfect numbers.” Further, “health improvement” takes personal commitment and requires individuals to try reasonable new choices in diet, drink and lifestyle. Tell you new client, for the majority who stick with their USBA program, they will over time, repattern from one range to the next, towards A Range.

Q: What do I tell my client who has followed the USBA program for years and remains in the B Range?

A: If you think about it, this resonates with the classic question, “Is this glass of water half full or half empty?” If when you started USBA testing-consulting, and you were in the D Range; and now, your numbers are consistently in the B Range — what health successes are you grateful for? Count your blessings.

You can also turn the tables on your client: What do you think you would need to change to move from B Range to A Range? This can support cancelling a client’s attempt to make you 100% responsible for their diet, drink and lifestyle choices.

Client expectations often run like this. Clients want to hear, “Once you reach A Range, it is ”sticky.” You will then remain in A Range for the rest of your life; and, you will never be sick again — guaranteed.”

It’s not so. In clinical practice what mostly happens is clients come when they have worrisome symptoms. If no physical symptoms — they stop coming. They “coast” for a while until some new symptom motivates them to return for support. The more subtle mental-emotional-behavioral issues, where the clues are to what keeps them in B Range and out of A Range, interest far fewer clients.

Despite the elusive nature of A Range numbers for many, the public has decided, compared to, “Eat anything you want” and, “if you get sick, the doctors will put you back together again,” people have decided the USBA approach is more workable — and cheaper.

The good news about cravings

Cravings can be understood and satisfied with healthy alternatives. A good example is cravings for hot cocoa, chocolate (any form), cocaine, coffee. These can be your body informing you, “I need cobalt!” The technical name for B12 is cyanocobalamin, a cobalt compound. B12 is a common deficiency worldwide. Sub-lingual tablets are preferred (Trader Joes has the best kind at the best price). B12 shots can also work. Try four B12 sublinguals the first day then two a day or more for two weeks. Keep track of changes in your cravings for discussion at your next USBA test.

The rest of the news about cravings, is they are primarily learned habits, old metabolic patterns. All human bodies function primarily on unconscious levels of intelligence. Our unconscious is 95% habits, learned memories, habits and behaviors conditioned to repeat.

It’s not just diet and drink habits which are challenging to change — it’s ANY deeply ingrained habit. Ever try to stop smoking? Then, you know what we mean.

If it can, the body heals itself. Your job as a healthcare professional? Keep suggesting diet-drink-supplement experiments to move each patron’s numbers towards the A Range, sustain them at the highest level of physical health as possible. Going back to worshipping diagnosising symptoms is going backwards. Going back to rehashing the germ theory of pathology makes no ones numbers better either.

The visual aid of five ranges direct’s people’s attention, and hopes for healing, back onto themself. Projecting agency outside, onto the consultant, to “do me” or to “save me,” “tell me what’s wrong;” and, “tell me what to do next” are all lessened. The Chart makes clear who is in charge: the patron and their body. The consultant — is just a consultant.

In this way the Chart empowers those ready, willing, able and wanting to take back control of their own health. These are the patrons you want as the majority of your customers.

What does A Range feel like?

Because your blood sugar is balanced:
- You eat fewer snacks between meals,
- Your blood sugar is not crashing — you’re not starving — then over-eating,
- You are no longer eating your big meal of the day after 3pm, or worse, after 8pm,
- You are no longer, “hungry all the time,”
- Your microbiome is making more B vitamins and supporting your body more; and
- You may begin to notice the quality of your urine and poop balancing out.

Passing into, thru and out of A Range

You are unlikely to know what A Range feels like until you come OUT of it the first time. Then you will be able to look back on the past period of days and marvel at the increased vitality you had, the physical optimism and endurance you had. When you lose it — you cognize what you had. This motivates many to get back on their program to regain the good feeling. Even small improvements and symptom lessening can be noticed. It’s like physical exercise; if you follow a daily-weekly exercise routine, you will see improvement in your physical performance.

What does it mean when you come OUT of A Range? Assuming you didn’t dive bomb your diet with binging of some kind, coming out of A Range suggests you didn’t have enuf reserves to stay in A Range. RBTI literature suggests mineral reserves take considerable time to build up.

For the average client, the fastest way to improve health is to get a new set of R7 numbers and advice for what your likely deficiencies and excesses are now.

SIDEBAR ~ Why do people in the A Range need less food?

When your metabolism is more in balance, it becomes more efficient at digesting and assimilating the food you do eat. If you require animal protein, you need less of it to maintain.

The more unbalanced your metabolism, the less efficient your protein digestion is. When you are unbalanced, you have to eat more protein to sustain. This brings to mind the old Standard American Diet (SAD) and McDonalds’s pushing hamburgers on a bun as “necessary protein.” What was more likely was Americans were digesting-assimilating at such a low level of efficiency, they needed to eat more animal protein to keep going to work and to school.

Anyone in A Range metabolism is also likely to be doing these things:
- Being more discerning about what they do and do not eat,
- Eating more highly nutritious foods,
- Drinking more water,
- Eating less processed foods, junk foods; and
- On few or no medications.

How do I keep my values in my Healing Zone?

There seems to be no other very easy and efficient way to do this outside of making significant changes to food intake, water intake, and food supplements.

You can still feel sick in the A Range

Biochemical testing-analysis practitioners move clients towards a well-defined range of numerical values, wherein healing and re-building are facilitated. While this is AWAY from symptoms, known and unknown, it is also towards resolving old unresolved health issues.

From: Challen Waychoff
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Subject: RBTI [two steps forward, one step back pattern]
Hi Kenn,
… Rule: Every drug you have ever taken is stored someplace in the body. … I have seen clients of mine, who have not taken a drug for over 10 years. When their body flushes, they will have the side effects of that drug.

Clients have taken homeopathic remedies, which drives the problem into the body. When they start the RBTI program, the problems they had can come back …
One client was in a car wreck 15 years prior to starting the RBTI program. In this car wreck she was thrown through the windshield. When she started the “program” glass and sutures came out of her face.

The short of it is, I’d say you are just dumping something out of your system. It will usually pass in a few days, depending on how much of it there is.

One more thing, a rash means the nerves are regenerating. I have seen people who are very anionic all their lives. When they follow the RBTI program for so long, the energy and minerals start to return to their lower part of their body.
They will break out in a rash from the navel down. The rash usually lasts a few days.
I have many, many examples of what I am stating.
Challen W. Waychoff II, N.D., CRT
http://www.heavenly — Thanks to a Groups.IO RBTI group participant for sharing this.

“… Beware, though, confusion arises when people mistakenly assume bringing all one’s values into the healing range means they are no longer sick. That is not the case at all.” (grammar revised for clarity).

Anyone currently unwell and most people generally, have biochemistry values far outside their Healing Zone. Moving your chemistry into the A Range is not like parking a car, once you car is in its parking spot; you can get out and forget about it. In balancing body chemistry, it’s far more common for people healing to get into the A Range — then continue right on out the top or bottom back into the B Range, until their body and their healthy lifestyle habits are more aligned and consistent. Self-discipline is required (paraphrase of Rex Harrill).

See also the chapter “Two steps forward, one step back pattern” in this text.
Q: Isn’t the Chart an absolute? Shouldn’t we avoid absolutes?

A: Your body has only one absolute. Your blood pH has to be very close to 7.35 pH. This is because this is the optimal pH for red blood cells to on-board and off-load oxygen and CO2.

Your body has NO automatic absolute for your lymph, the chemistry of your Living Waters, your internal liquid-fluid-terrain.

USBA professors believe Reams’ array, describing this ideal chemistry, is also “Nature’s Plan to Engage Humans In Their Own Health Management.”

If Nature did everything for us about staying healthy, how would souls in the human experience ever learn to become better managers of what they do and do not put into their body, how much, and how often? If optimal physical health was 100% automatic — no possibility for human learning would exist.

In Nature’s Plan, humans have the right, the privilege and opportunity, to make errors in what they put into their body and learn from every error.

In this way, Nature invites humans to learn about their own basic biology, learn about the significance of oxygen, water and minerals. How else could Nature encourage all humans to learn these biology basics?

If you play this Game, you eventually become a more masterful steward of your own internal terrain. Prior to the 2050s, not many people were looking for this. Since the 2060s, led by Cultural Creatives in multiple fields, an increasing fraction of all people are looking for this.

Q: Could conceiving of optimal, thriving human wellness and metabolic function have become mainstream prior to 2065?

A: No. What was missing? Well for one thing, too much money was being made by largely un-regulated medical monopolies. Yet a bigger factor was this: For 200 years, Old Western Medicine had focussed on pathology and disease, downward spirals towards death. To switch focus to nourishing our internal Living Waters, organs and cells, would have been a 180 degree change, a complete reversal of corporate paradigm and myth. Locked into profits-over-people and over planet, males of that time and place were unable to change or evolve.

As early as 2017, all healthcare professions were surveyed and found to be 51% female. In the 2120 census, 78% of all healthcare professionals were female. Between 2040s-2060s, it was women in healthcare who were able to conceive of a numerical definition of human wellness as a worthwhile goal, a worthwhile process, a worthwhile personal journey.

This testing empowers individuals to understand their biochemical health and immune resistance. USBA based on RBTI is an outstanding method to support and manifest physical health from the inside out. It’s practice and influence are growing.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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