Chapter 8 — Diving into Reams’ number array
A serializing of Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out.
Available on Kindle now. USBA stands for “urine-saliva biomarker testing,” a new name given to the original method of Dr. Carey Reams.
My best guess how to prevent all future pandemics. What needs to be learned. Returning healthcare back to individuals, families and neighborhoods.
“Big Picture Health”
Besides how we feel, is any big picture of our overall physical health available? So we can learn if our internal physical-metabolic health is either improving or worsening? In a form we can understand without an advanced medical degree? At a price we can afford?
Q: Why are vital signs and tests equating “normal” and “average” with “healthy” so unreliable for this purpose?
A: “Normal” and “average” are “lowest common denominator” measures of physical health. They only screen for persons seriously ill who need immediate intervention.
All of the following yielded little more than scattered, often unrelated data points:
- blood tests, panels and assays (Why? Blood contains much infomation we still do nto understand; and, it’s changing every 15 minutes as blood sugar rises and falls),
- homeostatic “vital signs” (pulse, breath rates, temperature, etc.) These are normed to identify only persons needing immediate intervention,
- X-rays — These are often crucial for identifying and confirming pathology; yet, say nothing about the overall health of our internal liquid-fluid terrain, the variable we have most control over,
- DNA and mitochondrial analysis and treatment, like X-rays, can be invaluable “detective work;” yet, genetic solutions take us far away from variables practitioners and clients have most control over,
- blood sugar and thyroid tests (again, normed to identify only persons needing intervention, not normed to optimal wellness),
- Independent of chronological age, measuring phase angle (PhA) of water in our body is an excellent indicator of biologic age. So far improving your seven Reams numbers (R7) remains the most effective method to raise your PhA.
Have we left out any major method?
If not, then, the above Old Medicine tests and markers, more often than not, provided only fuzzy pictures of the health of internal terrain in individuals.
Only rarely did the above tests yield clear and workable measures to conceive pictures of our internal whole-body liquid-fluid “fish bowl;” and offer clear therapeutic direction.
Only since 2042 did mass media accept the possibility:
- A reliable definition of optimal physical wellness might exist,
- This biomarker definition could be a reliable measuring stick for optimal health,
- The R7 array could there be used to track how individuals were trending rowards or away from wellness; and
- The method was far simpler, cheaper and lower-tech than conventional medical methods.
There must be a catch, a downside
Q: It all sounds too good to be true. Was there no down-side?
A: If there is a “catch” it is this. Learning basic, professional testing competency is child’s play compared to learning a professional level of array analysis competency. This is why the two competencies are split; and why, analysis competency has two very different levels.
Analysis competency requires having or developing significant inner capacities to perceive inside yourself connections between numbers; and ideally, pictures of “what the numbers are speaking.”
What does this mean for students? It means in contrast to Old Medicine medical school, where students are inundated with facts, figures and drug interactions to memorize, in USBA students are given a completely different internal challenge. If they pursue analysis competency, student they are challenged to develop a better balance of cognitive and iNtuitive capacities. Students are challenged to become more whole-brained, employing both all of their God-given inner potentialities: Feelings, Thinking, Intuition, Imagination and Inspiration. All of these figure into the higher levels of array analysis competency.
Outside the scope of this text, this is why there has been such rapid recent growth in USBA literature concerning internal array analysis competency. See also:
- What’s In a Number Array?; Exercises to Strengthen Interpreting of USBA Test-result Numbers (2120),
- Facilitating Consensus on Test Interpretations with USBA Colleagues (2118) by Luke A.
d, USBA-II and Odessa Paige Turner, USBA-I
Since the first Healthcare College in 2045, this method has been spreading in first, second and third world countries, as legal and infrastructure hurdles are overcome.
Antoine Béchamp
Q: Didn’t Antoine Béchamp (1816–1908) propose lymph as our primary internal milieu in the 1850s?
A: In terms of Bechamp’s intuition all cells and organs live, move and have their being in an internal “fish bowl” of lymph — yes he was correct.
In terms of identifying reliable biomarkers; and, chemical methods for measuring each of them — no, he did not get this far.
Good historical documents exist online for what 1850s medical researchers did and did not accomplish. What we tend to forget is how primitive their ideas; and therefore, their research goals were. Prior to the US Civil War, researchers in France and England were mostly concerned with the phenomena of microbes, how, they caused fermentation in beer, wine and in diseased tissues. They viewed fermentation as a continuum. When advanced in humans, it led to cell destruction and overgrowth of pathologic microbes. This led them astray from identifying biomarkers useful for a definition of perfect metabolic health.
Since about 2055 we tell USBA Healthcare College students the R7 markers are what Bechamp was looking for:
- The measurable internal milieu-terrain of internal Living Waters, all our cells and organs live, move and have their being in; and
- The specific, reliable biomarkers for measuring whether an individual internal milieu is going towards or away from its optimal chemistry.
These innovations probably were impossible before soil testing reagents were developed. Soil testing reagents began no earlier than the late 1800s in the UK and France. Soil testing reagents were not taught in agricultural colleges until aroud 1940; nor, is there literature prior to 1940. Perhaps thru his father, Reams was working with soil reagents for years by teh time he was asked to apply what he knew to his first human client in 1931.
He was asked to support a sick neighborhood boy. To use what he knew about soil chemistry to heal the sick of humanity, Reams was inspired to experiment and calculate until he had a number array representing the ideal numbers, in ideal relationship to each other, the optimal chemical range of our internal liquid-fluid terrain. This boy’s story is told in a chapter further below.
Old Medicine based on pathology and germ theories wanted a reliable Big Picture measure of whole-body health. Yet when Carey Reams began demonstrating a method to do this he was persecuted instead of celebrated.
Why? Reams’ theory and terms were not resonant with what doctors had been taught in school; nor, with the products drug and medical equipment manufacturers wished doctors to use.
As we have seen, only a worldwide media event, the so-called Medical Olympics of 2042 could open minds sufficiently.
After 2042, slowly, mostly younger medical students studied Reams’ theory and method and found it more simple in many way; yet, more complex and mysterious in other ways, in its theory especially. Gradually the greater simplicity and elegance of Reams’ theory and method of urine-saliva biomarker testing (USBA) won over more hearts and minds. Except in Emergency Room medicine, where the study of Disease, Pathology; and, which germs occur in which disease conditions, has immediate practical value, every year the field of drugs and devices has been subsumed more into urine-saliva biomarker analysis.
Seven biomarkers
Biomarkers allow health practitioners to both perceive and measure invisible-organic conditions and processes inside the human body. Reams’ seven biomarkers (R7) enabled him and others to perceive into the chemistry of an individual’s Living Waters, how this chemistry was optimal or disturbed.
Here are the numbers:
Common Sense + 1.5 brix 6.4 urine pH/6.4 saliva pH 6.5C (conductivity) 0.04M (cell debris) 3 (nitrate nitrates)/3 (ammonia nitrates)
dg-formula from online Beddoe chart
First number — Carbs-Brix-sugars, use of all carbohydrates — 1.5 Measured by Sugar refractometer.
Second number — urine pH — 6.40
Third number — saliva pH — 6.40 — The two pH numbers indicate both proper amount and balance of body minerals; and, sufficient digestive capacity. Note ~ Opposite to your body image, urine pH is always the top number; saliva pH is always the bottom pH number.
Fourth number — urine conductivity (salts and electrolytes including insulin) between 6–7 C. Urine Salts are measured with a standard conductivity meter.
Fifth number — Cell Debris, “Formerly called the albumin number” (Beddoe), particulate matter, being thrown out through the urine.
Sixth number — Nitrates (protein in) Urea of 3 reveals a low urine concentration of nitrate.
Seventh number — Ammonium (protein out).
Plus: Common Sense ~ Don’t leave home without it. You can fool yourself. Your clients will want to fool you.
Next: More detail on the Seven Numbers