George Kennan: There was never any reason for eastward NATO expansion. (1998)
Thanks to Matt Stoller on Twitter for sharing the link to this.
George Kennan predicted the outline of Ukraine war in 1998.
On May 2, 1998, the U.S. Senate formally approved the eastward NATO expansion plan. New York Times reporter Thomas Friedman called Kennan to interview him. Kennan was the architect of the successful U.S. policy of containing the Soviet Union. Kennan began work in the State Department in 1926. He became U.S. ambassador to Moscow in 1952. He was regarded as the most powerful Russian expert in the United States in 1998. When asked about his views on NATO expansion, Kennan, 94, replied as follows:
“I think this is the beginning of a new cold war. If NATO expands towards Russia, Russia will gradually react quite badly. I think NATO expansion is a sad mistake. There is no reason for it. Eastward expansion will make our country less secure.
“In NATO we have signed agreements to protect a large number of countries; even though, we have neither the resources nor the intention to do so in any serious way.
“[NATO expansion] is nothing more than a stupid move by the US Senate who has no serious interest in foreign affairs. I’m disturbed the entire Senate debate is so superficial and ignorant. I’m especially disturbed by the presentation of Russia as a country desperate to attack Western Europe.
“Don’t people understand? We were against the Soviet communist regime during the Cold War. Now we are turning our backs on the Russian people who started the greatest bloodless revolution in history and overthrew the old Soviet USSR regime. Russia Democracy is as advanced, if not more advanced, than in the countries we signed to protect.
“Of course Russia will react badly to NATO expansion, and then [those who advocate for NATO expansion] will say, “See we told you so. Russia is our enemy.” This is not correct; it’s immature.” End of Kennan’s remarks.
Russia’s attack on Ukraine was the kind of response Kennan foresaw. The expansion of NATO was the decision of ignorant and feckless politicians interests in scaring voters to win votes, with little insight into international affairs. These unschooled US politicians now watch Russia invade Ukraine and can’t do anything about it.
Slightly revised for clarity from a Google translation from the Chinese. Full text: