Green New Deals 1, 2, 3, 4 (2021–2035)

Bruce Dickson
6 min readMay 28, 2019


Thank God We Got Rid of the Men; A Story of Restoration for SpaceShip Earth
#12 of a series of pieces from a text in progress. Publisher inquiries welcome.

After the imprisonment for tax fraud of fake president Donald Duck, women were embarrassed by how the USA looked to the world. We had had a criminal as Chief Executive, who had been running from prosecution and prison for 30 years. 2016–2020 had sunk international public opinion of the USA to a new low.

The Old American Dream was clearly over. The whole world was watching in 2021 to see how the USA would bounce back from its fling with:

- Dictatorship of in-curious, intellectual know-nothings,

- Rule of corporate Oligarchy,

- Rule by advertising, Tweets and sound-bites,

- Complacency of its electorate, since the 1970s.

The women in charge, along with the Berniecrats told the international community what new Dream the USA intended to follow in its Green New Deal.

Green new Deal #1 came together and was passed in 2021. It addressed the initial stages of re-structuring so the USA could get out of its unsustainable Second Gilded Age tailspin and become more fair, equitable and sustainable:

Green New Deal 1

- Infrastructure ~ repair roads, highways and bridges. Repairs would take a decade. At least the project got started and good middle class jobs were created,

- Free Medicare option, not mandated. Drug price controls copied from Canada. Rules to give time to for-profit insurance to ramp down and phase out,

- Student debt relief for individuals and families making under $39,000 a year.

- Robin Hood tax on all Wall Street trades and transactions. (Seven banksters were jailed for avoiding these taxes and hiding the cover-up),

Due to re-distributing wealth and ownership more fairly, Women In Congress and healthy Democratic Socialism, became the dominant political forces for a generation — until the United Nation was re-booted. Then USA was to the UN 2.0 as Europe is to USA in 2019.

The first one was so well-received, over the next ten years, it lead to three related slates of legislation, three more Green New Deals.

The agendas for #2 — #4:

Green New Deal #2

- Reform the tax code 1of3 sets of new laws, tax to penalize unnecessary mergers and consolidation. New rule: “When in doubt, don’t do.”

- Infrastructure Part Two,

- Healthcare: helping old-school hospitals and clinics transition to the new payment system,

- Free two years of community college for families making $20,000 a year or less,

- Tougher laws and penalties for unwarranted surveillance.

Green New Deal #3

- Much higher taxing of all gambling and unproductive speculation including: casino gambling. Also included laws against states offering tax breaks to attract Hollywood and other industry. This was replaced with a government-funded Mediation-Arbitration service to broker industrial plant re-locations, new building and Hollywood movie and special effects production.

Gambling in all forms was taxed

To reign in how Oligarchs and elites had distorted wealth on Spaceship Earth, “gambling” was re-defined. Gambling: money sloshing around looking for a higher Rate of Return on investment. This in any guise is gambling. “Investment” is “gambling” when nothing of practical value for SpaceShip Earth is produced.

The following are all considered as “gambling.” Our intention is to tax all forms of gambling at high rates so as to ramp down and phase out gambling, in all forms, towards zero.

Note ~ Native American casinos are hereby given free access to consulting, arbitration and mediation services towards finding as good or better rate of return investments than they were receiving from gambling casinos.

“Gambling” means to include and not be limited to, the following non-productive speculative activity:

- Wall Street stock trading, and especially derivatives gambling,

- Unnecessary mergers and acquisitions The new rule is, “When in doubt, don’t do.”

- Hollywood move making investment gambling,

How tax reform affected Hollywood

Women politicians successfully articulated, and got voters to accept, how billions of dollars invested in making movies, where only a small fraction recoup their investment, is a form of gambling.

They suggested 1,000 movies released each year is excessive It means jobs but steady work for only very few. Curtailing excessive movie productions could be done thru Progressive tax policies.

This would also eliminate many weak scripts from ever being green-lighted for production. How many movies like “The Avengenator” do we need?

Let’s also consider the toxic effects on children’s self-concept.

Video games received a windfall profits tax on all profits over 200% of investment. Proceeds were invested in gun control enforcement.

Advertising aimed at increasing market share

Note ~ Taxing advertising to increase market share especially affected cell phone companies and commercial banks. It was long known a large per-cent of windfall profits from over-priced products were invested into media buys to steal market share from competitors.

Note ~ An exception was made for automobile manufacturers’ advertising.

- Arms-guns manufacture and sales,

- Existing and planned nuclear energy installations.

“Investment” adding value and/or wealth, to a large fraction or to the entirety of Spaceship Earth is intended to be taxed at zero or the lowest possible rate. “Investments” healthy for SpaceShip Earth include, and are not limited to:

- Green energy investment,

- Green housing investment,

- Healthcare investment,

- Local theater and musical productions,

- Local live events of an interactive educational nature.

This is how a return to face-to-face culture was encouraged. The intention was to reduce, not obliterate, non-productive investment and leisure time waste.

The women successfully argued generous state tax credits should be shifted from movie and special effects production in all 51 states to Green Energy, energy-efficient house retro-fitting and road, bridge, schools, colleges infrastructure projects. This worked cerated twice s many jobs per dollar as Hollywood studio work and three times as many jobs as indie movie work.

When confronted by unhappy studio executives, women politicians told these executives, “The next time you consider investing in a script or story, ask yourselves: ‘Are we creating only more pointless spectacle? Or are we creating a story with lasting relevance to truly human values?’”

Consequently, many fewer movie and fictional scripts were produced; and those which were, had more of an ethical-moral bearing on truly human values, in some form.

Green New Deal #4

- More coherent and detailed plan for environmental cleanup,

- A phased plan to transition mass media news coverage to Public Commons governance*.


* Women understood if they were serious about preventing Earth from crash and burn; and, re-starting healthy face-to-face culture, mass media conglomerates were not exempt They were in fact, casino operations, money sloshing around looking for a higher Rate of Return on investment: gambling.

After running wild and degrading face-to-face culture, the genie of “virtual living” had to be put back into the bottle.

Attacking mass media conglomerates directly was a losing game. Hundreds of lobbyists would have to be faced.

Thinking smarter, women realized the endgame had to be bigger. The goal became re-making and re-booting live, face-to-face culture as a benefit to the 99%.

The challenge was to go beyond Mr. Rogers singing wishfully, “Won’t you be my neighbor?” Much smarter, with-it, left-brain strategy and plans was needed.


2035: start of Internet decline

Did I mention the Internet declined in influence after each New Green Deal 1, 2 and 3? Reducing online content and distractions helped renew local and face-to-face connecting.

Facebook’s decline in 2019 was the beginning of the end of Internet corporate control-influence.

Q: How was the role of corporations online reduced?

A: The same way it happened in parallel with entertainment, thru changing the tax laws and income tax. Casino-like gambling investments in internet start-ups, movies and media mergers transactions, managed by Wall Street types, were taxed at a high rate.

Big tax breaks and low taxation was shifted from psychologically damaging activity and wealth extraction schemes to investment in green tech. The money followed where the tax on investment was lowest.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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