How to explain the end of germ theory myth without creating againstness

Bruce Dickson
5 min readDec 3, 2024


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Kelly Brogan, MD says the idea, “germs are the problem,” is very resonant with two other Patriarchy myths. One is if you feel sick, physical symptoms are the only possible problem. The other is ‘blame the body’ ‘your body is the problem,’ your body is defective, not made correctly. This is how Patriarchal males man-splain away male ignorance of Nature’s Plan for Physical Wellness.

Nature’s Plan is simple. Our human body has within it the solutions to human illness — if we nourish and maintain it.

Q: Does this mean if we have a physical problem, we can simply ignore it, eat good food — no bad food — then our body will take care of all its physical aches and pains?

A: Yes, this can work; this is Plan A. If this doesn’t work, a Plan B exists.

Plan B Part One: APOLOGY

Plan B starts with an apology. On behalf of USA middle school thru college education, I apologize. Virtually zero adults adults received enuf education in biology and biochemistry to know:

- The difference between good (natural organic, local) and bad (processed, etc) food, and

- What to do when eating only good food ails to heal a physical health concern.

In 2024 there is very good news on adults’ lack of biology education. In Google, if you ask a clear biology-health question, with a question mark at the end, Google experimental AI will search for and deliver summarized findings. It also shows the websites and docs it summarized from.

Note ~ I am against AI generally. It’s merely the latest bid to monopolize then charge users for all information. However, this positive application supports learners to bridge the gaps in their biology education. I adapt the AI response, reducing, expanding, clarifying from my own study and experience. You can too.

To conclude, while few adults have enuf health-biology education to know what nutritional deficiency underlies their aches and pains — since in the 1990s, those with curiosity to ask questions — asking progressively better questions online — can quickly find a way forward.

In fewer words, your own immune system and sleep are the solutions — you simply need to learn more to understand the nutrients they are missing to solve the physical concern you have.

Q: Does this mean all disease is caused by nutritional deficiency?

A: No. While each physical disorder involves nutritional deficiency, up to 90% of especially chronic diseases track back to mental emotional causes. To learn more, get and use the digital version of Messages from the Body.

Plan B Part Two: the germ myth is several issues mushed together

Are you still trying to support a conversational partner stuck on germs as the exclusive cause of disease and contagion?

Try this, say, “I don’t know if germs can cause disease. There may be evidence out there; I have yet to see it.”

The only way to escape these two prevailing corporate myths is — more and more scientific education. Invite your partner to explore the latest 2023, 2024 books on this in References below. They have have over 1,000 citations to papers and books documenting the ABSENCE of hard science proof for these claims:

- Contagion between plants, animals and humans occurs exclusively by the physical sharing of germs (microbes), and

- Diseased plants, animals and humans are 100% and always caused by pathogenic microbes.

If your partner is unwilling to learn new research outside their old mental boxes; then, we have the classic situation, “You can lead a horse to water; yet, you cannot make it drink.”

Q: What if my partner asks me, ‘Can you prove germs DO NOT cause disease?’

A: Strictly within Second Order medical technology, I know of no good answer to this. All the good answers to this lie in First Order Science; specifically, learning about, understanding; and finally, believing in the goodness of Nature; how, she has a Plan for optimal human wellness, which is knowable, applicable and effective.

A strong belief — backed up by knowledge of nutrient deficiencies — is the often-mentioned gaping hole in the corporatized medicine paradigm.

Your goal is to lead your conversational partner into questions leading to more learning — not more head-butting.

Did you know in the 1850s-1860s, a prevailing Western medical theory was ‘The inside of the body and brain are sterile’?

Q: Why did they believe this?

A: I believe it was because (1) urine is sterile; and, (2) no one wanted to smell poop, put it on a microscope glass slide and take a look.

PubMed online has 18.5 thousand papers

Dg-PubMed papers on “microbiome” by year

Pasteur’s made-up theory, ‘germs cause all disease,’ would never fly today. We know a healthy gut microbiome is crucial to physical wellness and to deep restorative sleep.

SIDEBAR ~ When gut microbiome “came out of the closet”

The human microbiome first “came out of the closet” among professional nutritionists. The first edition of GAPS by Natasha Cambel-McBride was in 2004.

Next the soil microbiome “came out of the closet” in the field of regenerative agriculture, in the book, Teaming With Microbes (2006) by Jeff Lowenfels and Wayne Lewis.

2002–2015 were the early days of social media, Facebook, Twitter and similar. The gut microbiome and soil microbiome became major topics online. Why? Because mainstream media and PubMed were still invested in suppressing any change in the corporate medical paradigm.

For the human gut microbiome, a complete reframe occurred; it went from “bad” to “good.” I recall how this grew; it was in 2014; there were multiple large, public, mainstream video webinars with multiple experts and hundreds of online viewers, on multiple microbiome topics. This “firehose” of new, good research was massive enuf to dispel Pasteur’s rickety, corrupt, “germs cause disease” and “all soils should be sterile” myths.

In short, researchers in both healthcare and agriculture persuaded professionals and lay persons it was possible, natural and normal for microbes and humans to live together co-creatively. All evidence points overwhelmingly to the conclusion microbes are Nature’s Clean-up Crew and recycling crew. Without her microbial Clean-up Crew, Nature’s Plan for optimal physical human health would not and could not meet her agenda.

Now we know humans need friendly microbes to be healthy and sleep well. If you have no microbes, your gut is likely not making its share of B-complex vitamins either. You need the eight B vits to sleep well and to sleep deeply. What’s one of our latest top ten recent epidemics? Poor sleep, sleep disorders, absence of Deep Restorative Sleep.

Conclusion ~ The above is what I believe people can use now to inform conversational partners who are stuck in the Dark Ages myth of “germs cause all disease” and its corollary, ‘the inside of humans is sterile.’ Any questions?

It is also possible to address the question of “contagion” without generating againstness. See Part Two



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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