Is lemon juice in water good for me?
Chapter 16 serializing Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out. Available on Kindle now.
Lemon juice in distilled water figures prominently in RBTI literature and practice:
- Who should drink lemon water,
- Who should not drink lemon water,
- How much, how often?
- For how many days, weeks, months years?
These notes are meant to supplement, not replace existing literature.
“To drink, or not to drink, lemon water,” is a surprisingly more complicated question than it seems.
We want USBA students to recognize the question has many similarities with the public’s questions about acid~alkaline: “Does everyone benefit from being more alkaline?” and “Do I need to be more acid or more alkaline?” Like the topic of lymph pH and acid~alkaline, a great deal of misinformation circulates on both topics.
Let’s go back to Nature’s Plan. Nature has a Plan for humans to discover and learn about their physical biology and chemistry for health purposes. The Plan was NOT to go around asking others, “What should I do, what should I do?, tell me what to do!”
The Plan was for each person to do experiments, observe results; then, do the next experiment. This is what Goethean Holistic Science teaches and it applies to learning about human health 100%.
Let’s acknowledge a trial and error approach to both soil biology and chemistry; and, human biology and chemistry — is exceeding laborious and time-consuming. This is why people interested in these topics:
- Study and learn together,
- Reference documents left behind by others experimenting before us.
Our goal here is to break down a mental barrier most people have about their physical health. The fiction most people are habituated to is: only experts in white coats can remedy my health concerns is.
In the 2030s, faculty at Experiential Insight Colleges was the first academics to name this phenomena: “outsourcing native human potential.” Allowing, creating and promoting others to do for you what you could do for yourself — if you were more active about your own growth and development.
“Only experts in white coats can remedy my health concerns” is a fiction — even if your preferred experts are USBA testers and consultants trained in the Reams-Beddoe method. When people are unwilling to do experiments with their own biology and chemistry; then, they have no alternative than to outsource care of their health to professionals.
How to take care of your own health
We reclaim our capacity to understand and care for our own health by observing and doing daily experiments. By observing the effects of what we eat and drink daily, we reclaim our God-given capacity to understand and take care of our physical body health.
The above starts to explain the radical nature of USBA ala Reams, why in its early decades so few people caught on to it; and, why the few who did catch on were so passionate and dedicated to its practice. It was a path of self-mastery based on self-observation.
While the majority of your patrons won’t be as committed to their diet-drink experiments as you would like, we wish students doing USBA testing for a living and/or consulting with patrons for a living, to be conceiving of their diet-drink intake as experiments from which valuable observations can be learned.
The H Factor, honesty and humility
Q: If simple observation of the effects of diet-drink can lead to better health, why don’t more people do this?
A: Most people lack training in the habits of self-honesty and humility Most people have had a lifetime of watching advertising encouraging them to “try it, you’ll like it,” “have one more, and “It’s your birthday (Christmas, etc), live it up, eat those cookies, cakes, etc.” Ads create social permission to, “Eat whatever you want, whenever you want; don’t worry about it. If you get sick, go see a doctor.”
Q: Where do I start with my diet-drink experiments?
A: With the water you drink, observing your urine for consequences.
Why do people avoid this? They lack self-honesty and humility about paying attention to what they drink; and, they lack self-honesty and humility about paying attention to their urine. We’ve all been there, present authors included.
For patrons of USBA or practitioners of USBA, to make the observations leading to improving today’s plan for distilled water and/or lemon water, is an honest, humble step towards acknowledging your individual chemistry and biology, tracking your chemistry and biology; and, tweaking your liquid intake for optimizing your Internal Living Waters.
Practically this comes down to:
- Does my lymph need more or less distilled water today?
- Does my lymph need more or less lemon water today?
- Does my lemon water have too much or too little lemon juice in it for me, at this time?
No book has good answers to this for you body. Your body IS “the book” on this. If you “read” its products and analyze them correctly, your body will teach you what it needs, when it needs it and how much. It would be nice if more USBA patrons want to do this. Still a large fraction of USBA students do become inspired in just this way, to take back control of their own health care.
After you are trained; and, after you have become an honest, humble observer of your own body products for a number of years, you will have the experience and integrity making your patrons look up to you and to listen to you. This is the best way to begin any public speaking about USBA.
At a Reams retreat
The practicalities and dangers of drinking lemon juice in water is at its most critical in health retreats using Dr. Reams protocol. Why? Because reports suggest the majority of retreat patients were moderately to very sick persons. Also, neither food stores nor hospitals were within walking distance.
As part of intake, new patrons were tested immediately. Dr. Reams used their initial R7 array to determine if they were strong enuf to endure and benefit from a three-day fast on only lemon water.
If their carbs number was too low, or a series of arrays showed their blood sugar curve over a 24 hour period was too erratic, a little honey or unsulfured molasses was added to the lemon water to keep their blood sugar up.
On such a radical fast, you can imagine “getting the lemon water right” was a crucial and critical factor.
One to five USBA tests per day
With moderately to very sick patrons, depending on how ill the person was, one to five USBA tests per day was effective to monitor acute conditions.
Lemon water re ureas and salts
In a retreat, [if the ureas are highly disturbed], on a three day fast, we do not put the person on lemon juice and water alone immediately. [We use foods and drink] until the ureas, the last numbers, are within a safe zone. We want the urea numbers to come down to a safe zone, probably down below a total of 20 for both. We want the salt numbers to come down to a safe zone, below 35. Then it is safe to put a man on lemonade (lemon with sweetener) and water to bring him quickly to between 2 and 5.5 on the urinary sugar.
In the meantime, [given other diet and interventions] the salts continue to drop. Many times when the body chemistry starts to react, it overreacts. The sugar level drops too low, too quickly. This can cause a seizure; or it could cause the person to go into a temporary coma. The sugar level has dropped too low and there is not enough oxygen going to the brain. If they do, this is easy to correct. By putting a little sugar, or a little honey, on the tongue, in one minute he would come back to reality again, with no serious damage done. This is an ordinary occurrence in every retreat” — Choose Life or Death quoted from a Groups.IO RBTI post.
Keeping retreat patrons on their fast
As anyone who has tried fasting knows, the most dangerous time is the evening, when you are most tempted to eat something you should not. One of the genius aspects of Dr. Reams’ retreats was several evenings a week, he would conduct an evening “entertainment” of singing church hymns from church hymnals with piano accompaniment — still very common at churches in the period 1968–1980. Complementing this “entertainment” was talks and stories by Dr. Reams, (one of his strong skills); and, testimonials from patrons. Sharings were both biography sharing; and, news of improvements, stabilizing or healing crises experienced.
Elinor Barnes’ worked at three Reams retreats. Her reports can be read here
Medicinal impact of fresh lemon juice
Lemon juice is the only anionic food substance, the only natural [food substance, close to] hydrochloric acid on Earth, I know of. If there is another, I haven’t found it. Its anionic electrons travel clockwise. All other foods we eat are cationic [electrons travel counter-clockwise] — with the exception of lemon. When lemon juice gets into the system, it can be converted into some six-billion different enzymes with less chemical change than any other natural substance known to man ~ Reams.
Lemon assists in increasing the strength and availability of the bile salts — DUNLAP in ARM pg. 79
Lemon allergy
Dr. Reams stated in the Reams/Skow cooking class about 40% of the people have trouble drinking lemon water.
“Some people are allergic to lemon juice. Those allergic cannot urinate. It stops the kidneys from letting the water pass out into the urinary tract” — Choose Life or Death
Limitations of the benefits of lemon water
BEDDOE: At the suggestion of their counselor, when one chooses to go on a lemon water fast for three days, in order to speed up the chemistry changes, often clients will go through a very deep change. The liver may reverse itself [very significantly change its habitual metabolic patterns] causing vomiting (even of bile) and great discomfort. pg. 78
See also the earlier Chapter in the present text, “Two steps forward, one step back.” In retreats, Reams analogized his goal of moving the body thru one or more ranges, back to A Range, to the drug addiction recovery metaphor of “withdrawal.” In real drug addiction, a person withdraws from a synthetic drug or sugar addiction. In Reams’ retreats, the sicker a person was to begin, the more likely they were to have a “reversal.” Since the 1970s, the term “healing crisis” has predominated for this phenomena.
In USBA based on RBTI, our goal is re-patterning the liver’s metabolic habits. We each have a Habit Body. It has learned and recored for playback, habits on multiple levels, physical, imaginal, emotional mental and mythological. If too much change occurs too quickly, the usual ”track” our Habit Body has become used to running along is lost. It requires downtime to re-adjust.
Once the fish bowl water is clean; and, the liver re-patterned to the A Range, over time, the other organs follow. They alter their habitual patterns as well. Your organs can learn a new pattern. You CAN teach an old dog to learn a new trick. In this way conscious, waking Self can learn what is possible in human biology.
[Except for allergies] lemons are the perfect food for healing the liver. Dr. Reams’ theories don’t follow the typical theories of anions and cations in biology. He came up with his own theories as to how anions and cations work in the body. He worked in the theory of optimizing energy and corresponded with Einstein; we can see a lot of Einstein’s influence in Reams’ work.
Su Aberle. Su studied and trained personally under Dr. Reams and Dr. Joseph Manthei in Pennsylvania, from 1979–1986. During those years, she received RBTI Retreat training from Reams and Dr. Manthei. She’s a biochemist, registered nurse of 35+ years and a board certified enzyme replacement therapist.
When I worked with Su, she was adamantly against the use of the lemon water regimen unless in a retreat setting where a person could be supervised. Sometimes it seems too strong, could stir up bad reactions. When doing Reams’ initial three-day fast, Sue had seen so many people do more harm with taking the lemon water if not being looked after closely. I remember a lot of people on the RBTI Facebook group, Matt Stone and Pippa started, were having major problems with the lemon water.
It’s awesome to realize lemons can be this impactful, this medicinal.
Mash-up of remarks revised for clarity from posts by Tara from
Why too much lemon can be dangerous
Lemon juice added to distilled water supports positive liver change. Be careful not to make your mixture too strong. Making it too strong is the error unsupervised people often make. They think a little is good, more must be better. No, no.
Why could misuse of lemon juice be fatal? If the pancreas starts to receive a lot more enzymes than it was accustomed to, all of a sudden it starts to produce a lot more insulin. If you were already in low blood sugar, blood sugar levels would then fall even lower due to excessive insulin. You can fade or fall into a coma. which could prove fatal — Peter Havasi in Education of Cancer Healing Vol. VIII — Martyrs
Vitamin D in USBA ala Reams-Beddoe
These notes are meant to supplement, not replace nor substitute for existing literature.
Vit D is poorly absorbed thru the GI tract. Sublingual is preferred. Also possible to get D3 as bulk powder. If you get bulk powder, please obtain or make a micro spoon so you do not overdose. Vt D is toxic in overdoses prolonged past a few days.
To D or not to D, that is the question!” Here is the answer. Vitamin D helps raise an acid urine pH. If someone is not acid, then they shouldn’t take Vitamin D. Hope this helps. (My apologies to Shakespeare for changing his line.)
If both urines are acidic, Vit D is helpful to bring pH towards 6.4. If over 6.4 Vit D not helpful — Betty Reams Hernandez on RBTI Facebook group, the June 2021 video.
… in the pH ranges above 6.60 vitamin D can actually become toxic to human electrochemistry in the long run.
It is in the pH ranges below 6.20 where vitamin D is definitely needed according to RBTI science.
In the pH ranges above 6.60 vitamin D can actually become toxic to human electrochemistry in the long run.
Although, I basically agree with the above quoted researchers saying, “serious disease could be reduced by intake of adequate amounts of vitamin D,” here’s the problem. Researchers are always singling out particular nutrients trying to understand how this nutrient fits the big picture. The big picture is more than just how much is in the blood of sick people vs “normal” people. The bigger picture is the dietary electrochemistry, the interactions with the food being consumed.
RBTI technology is still, after over 75 years, the only spot-on way to determine what nutrients may be lacking or excessive in an individual’s diet and how to individually structure a diet which is not toxic or deficient for any given person.
RBTI screening tests are simple, noninvasive and represent the only way any health professional can know for sure if more vitamin D, or any nutrient for that matter, is going to benefit a particular person’s diet or otherwise be excessive and unnecessary.- Beddoe
Vitamin C in USBA ala Reams-Beddoe
These notes are meant to supplement, not replace nor substitute for existing literature.
Dr. Reams’ often claimed, “Anyone having “Perfect” health will have 4,500 micrograms of Vitamin C per gram of blood.” — 4.5 mg. 1 gram (g) equals 1000 milligrams (mg)
The loss of Reserve Energy is directly related to the amount of Vitamin C per gram of blood. The exact degree of loss in Reserve Energy can be measured in direct ratio to the number of milligrams of Vitamin C per gram of blood. This scale of energy is based on 0–100. There’s no illness in anyone when there is 4.5 mg of Vitamin C per gram of blood. There can be more than this; yet, at 4.5 mg there is no illness — From CLASS 1–5 in RBTI Desk Reference pg. 88
Consider this unique relationship between blood cells and the plasma containing them: Red blood cells can concentrate vitamin C up to 50 times the vitamin C contained in surrounding blood plasma. …
Research has shown ascorbic acid has a half-life in the blood plasma of about 30 minutes. This means every 30 minutes half the remaining amount of ascorbic acid in the blood is excreted through the kidneys. This high turnover rate makes it extremely challenging to maintain an ideal ascorbic acid reservoir (4.5 mg per gram of blood) to deal with the “oxidizing” effects of dis-ease causing chemistry, any test-result number arrays outside of A Range — Beddoe “Vitamin C — Needed More Than Ever” —
As with Vit D, with Vit C, we are again discussing it within the larger context of the pH of our whole-body liquid-fluid chemistry. Availability-usability will be optimal in the A Range of pH. Availability-usability will be lower either direction outside of A Range.
In USBA, per Reams, we believe a pH under 6.2 makes Vit C, in ascorbic acid form especially, intolerable to the body. This will be true, no matter how much is taken in supplement form (unless buffered with baking soda).
Why? If the body is already too acid, the body will refuse, not assimilate more acid, if it can. For the same reason, very acid persons mostly dislike acid sauerkraut.
If you are running too acid (UpH < 6.2) your body will be unwilling to retain and use [unbuffered] vitamin C, … In the absence of better information to determine when Vit-C or Vit-D supplements might be helpful, I’d be inclined to consider this as good a guide as any I’ve come across so far — Tara in RBTI — Reams — mineral deficiency —