Leadership is thrust upon women

Bruce Dickson
8 min readMay 28, 2019


Thank God We Got Rid of the Men; A Story of Restoration for Planet Earth

#11 of a series of pieces from a text in progress. Publisher inquiries welcome.

Let’s recap male collapse 2018–2065. At its worst male collapse was measured in terms of:

- only 40% of male infants survived,

- 65% of surviving males by age six were diagnosed as “on the autism spectrum,

- only 10% of college graduates were male,

- The healthy moral, ethical and value propositions of male leadership were destroyed by George W. Bush and fake president, Donald Duck.

What caused this? Two main reasons:

1) Biological collapse, environmental collapse, poisoning every environment and all humans; however, affecting male children four to 16 times more and more severely. If weaker male infants survived past age six, the vast majority sustained permanent cognitive damage.

2) The engine of growth for mainstream world culture, profit and wealth accumulation for the 1%, was utterly discredited by the 99%. Oligarchy by many names, in many guises, was uncovered and rooted out thru Progressive legislation; and after 2045 by the rebooted United Nations, as a world-governance body.

Accordingly, Profit and wealth accumulation for the 1%; and more broadly, competition, were discredited as a sustainable engine of growth for SpaceShip Earth. A sea change shift of values occurred, away from profits-wealth; and towards, raising the quality of life for the 99%. This shift was most dramatic among young voters.

Women’s growing To Do list

In 2022, Women In Congress was becoming the biggest progressive caucus. The idea of a To Do list came up, what progressive legislative reforms need doing and in what order?

In 2023, officially changing from Monarchy-Oligarchy economics to Modern Monetary Theory — see below — freed up budgetary thinking. More money magicly became available to spend on programs for the 99% — along with greater responsibility for managing it wisely.

With the first annual budget surplus of 2025, women were excited they could do more good, for more people. The budget surplus was immediately targeted by hundreds of environmental and minority groups, each with their own pet project, begging for funding.

Thru the middle 2020s, project funding requests multiplied like rabbits. The Progressive To Do list of Progressive projects reached 250 projects, and was still growing. A male-oriented task list, organized around “identifying and fixing problems” proved unsustainable for women; it burned them out.

Managing requests and disbursing funds, was exhausting women legislators. Women were over-giving again, over-nurturing, not taking care of themselves, working hard, not working smart. A wave of resignations due to over-giving-burnout, informed Women In Congress leadership, they needed to re-think “the governance thing;” and, the To Do list.

The overwhelming To Do list drove women to think bigger and smarter. It was too stressful for women to take responsibility for all the problems of the USA; and do it, without support of healthy male agency.

Reducing the big STRESSORS of political life and process

“Smarter” looked like prioritizing project items by which ones took out how much unnecessary STRESS and FRICTION from political process and mainstream culture generally.

Unexpected, beneficial side-effect? Yes, this re-frame reduced voter groups agitating to get their pet project funded using the loudest megaphone they could buy.

Now pressure groups had to think more widely, more broadly, precisely and insightfully. They had to sell their project by which unnecessary stress and/or friction their project would reduce; and, by how much? This reduced fringe pressure groups haranguing elected women to attend to issue-driven pet projects by 70%. The bar of proving the validity of their projects was now set too high for amateur agitators.

This was functionally the end of the Old Left’s “issue driven politics,” a 1960s holdover. It was no longer interesting to rally against nuclear power or against other villains. Now you had to have a solution targeted to reduce specific stress; and, suggest how much your proposal reduced the stress and how you would measure this.

In this way the women got Progressive activists thinking about how their pet project did, and did not, make the world more wonderful for everyone paying taxes. This forced political activists to up their game, devise and use more sophisticated rhetoric; and, deliver it more professionally in public.

Guess what? This was very effective, much more effective for arguing for gun control and against racial targeting. Guess what else? It proved to be almost impossible to argue against abortion rights using this template. The issue of abortion was moved out of politics and back into churches and living rooms, where it belonged.

Women came together over the “Less Stress To Do list.” The new priorities looked like this:

1) Reform campaign finance to reduce stress

Private-corporate money in public campaigns had long been stressful. Wealthy elites increased political and social stress by investing millions of dollars to interfere with public governance issues and ballot measures. The women said, “Being wealthy did not give you first amendment rights to use a bull horn or megaphone to shout “Fire!” in a crowded theater.”

Public funding of elections was needed to reduce stress on elected female legislators unable to attend public hearings and speeches because they had to isolate, hole up in their office, to “dial for dollars” for their re-election campaigns. Male elected legislators seemed to tolerate this indignity and poor use of their time. The women did not tolerate this.

As well, adoption in 2030 of the British six-week political campaign, gave elected women much more free time to do what they wished to do, make the planet more wonderful.

The above changes stopped cultural issues from intruding into the sphere of public governance (politics). Political conversations were more often about, “If we spend money here, how many jobs do we create versus if we spend money over here?”

2) Educating everyone to Modern Monetary Theory (MMT)

A few Cultural Creatives, Senators and Representatives knowledgeable about MMT was not a quorum. Women realized federal, state, city, and college economists, had to be dis-abused from elite-controlled, old-school, monarchy-oligarchy Economics economics instituted to insure male dynasties.

A much more pro-active plan to replace old tax and spend illusions was needed.

MMT was boiled down to three sentences: MMT is sovereign money, for examples US dollars. This is not like gold, not a supply~demand thing. Sovereign currency is, “Where can we invest to stimulate the most jobs, which then produce the greatest return, from fair taxation?

In 2025 Stephanie Kelton was confirmed to the highest financial position in the USA. From this bully pulpit, she educated multiple levels of society about MMT and answered questions. She made economics sexy again.

MMT straightened out people’s thinking about budgeting and spending. With it, political actors, and interested others, could view and talk about government spending and taxing on level rhetorical ground, with a common language. This went a long way towards ejecting cultural issues from public governance, where they had been intruding, thanks to Regressives. Economics again became the field of discerning where to use sovereign dollars, for the greatest benefits, for the greatest number of citizens?

College economics programs which began with MMT attracted more applicants. It turned out many Asperger’s males were genius at the kind of multi-leveled-chess thinking required to implement MMT practically, in federal, state and local governments. Simplified versions of the whole-systems thinking MMT encouraged were produced all the way down to middle school level. A Child’s Book of Modern Monetary Theory (2024) was a best-seller with adults.

After MMT became common language for economics and political funding, a great deal of stress was lifted from both economics and politics. Over 20 years this did more to equalize incomes between classes than most changes. It also also allowed the USA to record a budget surplus consistently, every year after 2034. All this reduced social stress and what used to be called “class conflict.”

MMT under Stephanie Kelton changed how economists and investors measured the financial health of the nation, on a daily basis. The daily triple measure of investment vs. unemployment vs. budgeted expenses, replaced the Dow Jones stock Market average. Dow Jones Average had only ever been a boy-toy, useful for boys competing over money. It had never been useful for predicting or composing economic policy for the 99%.

Political conversations were, “If we spend dollars here, how many jobs do we create versus if we spend the same dollars over here?”

3) How public political energy was re-channeled down to the grassroots

Q: The massive energy which had been invested in USA horse-race politics did not simply go away. It had to be re-channeled positively. What took the place of years-long political campaigns?

A: Public interest in political and cultural issues was channeled down not up.

The women learned from historians, the two classic cases of channeling grassroots political power UP and its unfortunate consequences:

- As discussed above, wealthy business Regressives, in the 1950s-1960s, with no natural affinity nor agenda with Bible Belt conservative cultural issues, manipulated these voters to vote for their candidates. Elected Republicans then pass laws favorable to the rich and elite — and against the 99% which is 100% of Bible Belt voters.

Only later in the 1990s-2000s did card-carrying Bible Belt regressives become elected to Senate and House. Their intransigence is what brought any cooperation, collaboration “across the aisle” to a standstill — until 2020.

- As discussed by Progressive Historian, Jon Weiner, on his podcasts, between 1969–2016, Democrats had tired of grassroots organizing, going door to door. They wanted a less laborious way to create a better world. They decided to pack the Supreme Court with liberal Justices who would uphold laws which would remake society in a liberal image.

The good news? The Warren Court upheld and re-affirmed some remarkably Progressive values and laws.

The bad news? The Dems and Old Left relied more and more on what the Supreme Court did or did not do, what they upheld or did not uphold. Dems “took their eye off the ball,” they stopped investing in door-to-door grassroots campaigning, voter registration and fighting voter suppression activity.

The focus of attention upwards, onto the Supreme Court, allowed, promoted, creating atrophy of all Progressive grassroots activity.

The women took in this lesson and wished to learn from it.

Q: When shortened to six months, where did all the energy of long political campaigns go to?

A: Over the 2020s-2040s healthy interest in governance issues was channeled into an array of local events:

- local Town Halls,

- local worker-owned-operated businesses,

- local Team Human live events,

- local History Debating Clubs, and

- local city planning council meetings held as Town Halls.

This way a very large fraction of politics was taken out of the hands of “professionals;” and, placed back where it belonged, in the hands of the grassroots. This is where new leaders and new ideas emerge from so you want more energy and investment here. The grassroots is the Research & Development department of political evolution.

Unexpected, beneficial side-effect? Yes, greater public participation in local politics, cultural and religious discussions greatly reduced the need for and incidence of, large scale rallies and public marches in opposition to the policies and crimes of white men.

Cultural issues were again made separate and distinct — as much as possible — from governance issues. This was no new idea. Its wisdom was embodied in the Three-fold Social Order proposal.

The women were not against marches. They did agree energy was better spent in the list of local political-governance and cultural issue activity listed directly above.

Other stress-reducers covered later

- 2040s: Worker-owned-operated business take over 40% of surviving corporations,

- 2040s: Reboot United nations 2.0.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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