Mainstream Psychology of the year 2120
How NVC became mainstream, popular Psychology
Excerpted from a work in progress, Stories of Restoration; or, Thank God We Got Rid of the Men — #100
Publisher inquiries welcome.
Hey, how’s the weather back there in 2019?
Up here in the year 2120 it’s warmer than you were used to. But we adapted to a sub-tropical climate and have made our peace with it.
What’s most exciting for us is our quality of life, personal satisfaction, healthy workplace, job satisfaction, family satisfaction, is about 400% higher than what people in 2019 experienced
So for us in 2120, climate change is NOT the big story. The big story is the many exciting things groups of people are doing working as teams; and, at the governmental level, of the rebooted United Nations 2.0, to make SpaceShip Earth more wonderful, for the 99%, as much as this is possible and permitted.
Those of you who have read the earlier sections of this report from the year 2120 will have more insight into WHAT needed to change from 2019. Replacing fake president, Donald Duck was just a blip. The big change was how women changed the face of politics and then mainstream society, in the 2030s, after only only 8% of college graduates were male and only 3% finished grad school.
Male gender collapse lasted thru 2050. Then a small number of completely healthy male birth outcomes began again. By 2065, a very few healthy young males, with values aligned with women, had graduated college, and were welcomed into workplace and government leadership positions. Running the world is more stress than any one gender should have to shoulder alone.
You can read how the men self-destructed in the earlier section of this report from 2120. How the women left behind, picked up the pieces — and improved things, turned out better than even the women expected. Many successful Stories of Restoration were written.
To briefly recap, Progressive women became a big majority in Congress. They and their few remaining male allies, remade things somewhat in this order:
- After the 2022 elections, they had taken over all three branches of the US gov,
- Started downsizing and rolling back corporate-consumer culture by defining “gambling” more broadly and taxing all gambling at high rates,
- As the regulatory climate changed, media corporations responded by reducing fake news, and fake advertising to make themselves less of a target for Progressives,
- Progressives took mass media news away from corporations and made it first government owned, like the BBC. This brought facts and truth back into prominence. “Infotainment” declined precipitously,
- 2029, the 100 year anniversary of Wall Street crash was notable for colleges collapsing and spiking teen suicides. Progressive women geared up to re-make college curriculum from where it was languishing, stuck in outdated male cultural paradigms,
- Out of re-making college in the 2030s emerged the remaking of Psychology college curriculum in the 2040s.
This is our topic now. When we say “women,” we are mostly referring to the largest caucus in the US Government, the Women In Congress caucus. Under their leadership, almost 100 sub-committees work on various projects. A couple score of these sub-committees work on upgrading-remaking college curriculum. They do a lot of listening and interview a lot of experts. They are cautious and more concerned with doing it right the first time than doing anything quickly. They do several years of Town Halls and Summer Conferences on each big change to get public input.
At this point in our story, 2035, the women have already had unexpected success re-making college freshman communication classes, and four years of college History teaching.
Below we arbitrarily separate out the re-making of Psychology from the re-making of Communication, History and Science, all of which had to progress together, responding back and forth to each other’s changes.
How Progressive women made psychology more useful for the 99%
Here’s how women engaged each other to re-make Psych, “Men like to fix things, so they always ask, “What’s wrong with you?” How many men ask, “How well are you; where can you use more support?”
In 2029 support is what college students needed. Both the drop-out rate and suicide rate were climbing. After a paid Year of Public Service, after high school, fewer learners were going to college and fewer were succeeding or graduating. Grad schools were decimated; women comprised 90% of all grad students.
In 2029 a few innovative, Progressives colleges existed; however, the bottom two-thirds to four-fifth of all colleges and universities were moribund. College curriculum was largely the same old, same old, academic head trip, male Scholasticism had been since the 1300s.
In 2029 women woke up to perceive just how much male gender collapse and environmental collapse was causing a silent crisis in colleges. Colleges and universities, as a social institution — were circling the drain.
Male readers in 2019 may tire of hearing this; still, the way males had set up colleges to run, to empower male privilege and wealth accumulation, had outlived its usefulness. The usefulness of this probably ended in the 1960s or 1970s.
60 years later, in 2030, no one had dared to consider much change. When male leadership tanked, in large part due to the horrors of male leadership exemplified by W. Bush, Mitch McConnel, Brett Kavanaugh and fake president Duck. Starting 2027, the problem of “dying colleges” dogged the steps of every women elected to serve publicly. “Fixing colleges” “became a thing” in 2029, the 100th year anniversary of one Wall Street crash.
As women often do, getting serious about an issue, first they listen. Listening to parents and students at high school and college graduations, at summer conferences, and in thousands of informal conversations, emails and published articles, women got a better grasp of the scope of many inter-related problems, making colleges obsolete for young learners in the later 2020s. Those who did attend college often felt lost, directionless and apathetic. By 2032 a clearer perceiving of the whole problem was in hand.
Glorified high school
In part, the bigger picture was in the lower two-thirds to four-fifths of all colleges, “college education” had become “glorified high school.”
Students were still taught, still learning how to write coherent essays, still learning how to master pre-algebra — but WHY, for what end? Their teachers could not tell them. The underpinning of healthy, values and bright pictures of what college graduates could do in the world — were gone.
Due to automation, news media tracked the daily decline in all available jobs. The decline in available good-paying jobs remained dramatic. Green New Deals #1, #2, #3, #4 did create many more good-paying Green tech jobs. The job market was still dicey.
College students in approximately nine-tenths of all colleges in 2029 still had extremely weak interpersonal skills. Few students had experiences of what truly healthy, enlivening, productive group process and teamwork felt like and looked like.
As college had become “glorified high school,” the lower 3/4 to 4/5 of all high schools were “glorified middle schools.” Guess what else? The lower 3/4 of middle schools were “glorified elementary schools.”
Hadn’t anyone noticed this? Who was talking about this problem? Not the men. Prior to male gender collapse, in the 20-teens, the number of college kids needing psychological intervention was growing. A few overworked counselors could still handle these cases or refer them out. In college, students with deeper psychological problems, often signed up for courses in counseling, therapy and social work on their own, where they worked out their own issues.
By 2027 a band-aid approach to declining college quality, declining enrollment and plummeting student satisfaction stopped working. The only things rising were suicides and college mergers.
Find an account of the re-making of the rest of college curriculum documented earlier. Here we survey efforts re-making core college Psych curriculum.
What values were used as foundation of new Psych?
Outdated male tropes had to go, to be replaced with — what?
Two simple answers were frequently used for this question. One was, “Humanism is a philosophical and ethical stance emphasizing the value and agency of human beings, individually and collectively. It generally prefers critical thinking and evidence (rationalism and empiricism) over acceptance of dogma or superstition” ~ Humanism — Wikipedia
The other short response was Team Human values, as described in Douglas Rushkoff’s book (2019) and on his 5–10 minute talks at the start of 129 TeamHuman.FM podcasts. Bucky Fuller’s idea of Operating Manual for SpaceShip Earth (1968) is also useful even if the Team Human book supercedes it.
For re-making Psych, especially for he Freshman year, the topic quickly comes down to healthy self-esteem and healthy self-concept.
Re-making self-esteem and self-concept
In earlier sections we surveyed the aftermath of homo self-destructivus. As too often the case, women were left to clean up. Cleaning up physical messes was the easier part. Physical problems responded to plans and labor on repair and reclamation, funding proposals and job creation. Then they simply took a lot of time.
More challenging were problems of re-making two invisibles, healthy self-esteem and healthy self-concept of a generation, of a nation, of a planet.
Macho-male self-concept was on the junk heap of history, never to return — YET — what can and should replace it?
How can children prior to puberty be encouraged into experiences of healthy self-esteem? How can children after puberty be encouraged into experiences of creating healthy self-concept?
Next: A few good building blocks were available