Major pH patterns

Chapter 13 serializing of new book, Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out.
Available on Kindle now. USBA stands for “urine-saliva biomarker testing,” a new name given to the original method of Dr. Carey Reams.

Bruce Dickson
8 min readJan 7, 2022

This below is mostly from Beddoe pg. 59–91

Urine/Saliva pH numbers

Two measures of Acid/Alkaline in your internal-liquid-fluid environment are taken. Each reflects the speed ions are moving between cells; and, at what speed food is moving thru the GI tract.

Saliva informs you of how things are in the upper region of the body. The urine measure informs you of how things are primarily in the intestines and lower part of the body.

Healing range is 6.2–6.49 pH.

Neither of these two numbers measure stomach acid directly. … (Beddoe)

Moving too fast or too slow?

It can be said pH is to body chemistry what a speedometer is to a car. It tells how fast metabolism is moving in the body. Above 6.4 means … metabolism is moving too slow. Below 6.4 means … metabolism is moving too fast. Only pH between 6.3 and 6.49 represents optimal digestive speed. With these numbers Is food going thru the body at the optimal speed for optimal digestion-assimilation?

Irregularities contribute to both unwanted weight gain and inability to gain weight. Restoring balance can improve digestion and assimilation and use of all nutrients.

The pH numbers let you know if the person is taking in the correct amount of minerals … A skilled interpreter may be able to perceive in the pH numbers the ratio and content of the type of calcium present. This then affects the ratio of other minerals present in the cells (Beddoe)

Dr. Reams said if you could only do one test, the pH test would be the most important — Awaken magazine —


The urine pH is always the top number. Saliva pH is always on bottom. This is not a true fraction. Still together these two numbers represent many relationships. … (Beddoe? lost attribution)


Saliva pH is among other things, a “picture” of liver functions. Urine pH is, among other things, a “picture” of kidney functions.

If between urine and saliva there is a split pH, the further the numbers are apart the greater the energy loss.


The urine pH will show (reflects) the state of the fluids of the body. The saliva pH will show the strength or weakness of the liver bile being produced to digest the foods you eat — CHALLEN in ARM pg 78


The pH of the saliva closely resembles the pH of the liver bile. There are some instances in which they are not the same; in most instances they are. The urine pH reflects what is happening in the rest of the body. Since the liver produces the bile and the gastric juice, the further the saliva pH drifts from perfect the weaker the gastric juice and bile becomes — C.H.E.M in ARM pg. 78

It is not necessarily better to be too alkaline (high on the scale) as too acidic (low on the scale); they each have their own issues, and each will reduce or remove the body’s ability to full assimilate certain nutrients — (attribution lost)


… The more the urine and saliva pH tests move above 6.60, the more alkaline our internal liquid terrain becomes. This creates increasingly excessive unhealthy electrochemical pressure on the digestive contents. If not dealt with, this may certainly result in ever-worsening constipation.

On the other hand, The more the urine and saliva pH tests move below 6.20, the more acid our internal liquid terrain becomes. This creates a deficient, unhealthy electrochemical pressure on the digestive contents. If this is not dealt with, it can eventuate in worsening diarrhea — Revised for clarity from Beddoe


… if the urine pH is kept at optimum, the saliva pH will gradually fall into line with its own 6.4 pH. When it does, this means digestive power is maximized to get the critical minerals out of the food — Rex Harrill, 2021 on Groups.IO forum


Interestingly, the best pH level for all biologic life seems to be 6.40 pH … According to Dr. Reams, all Biologic life, with a few exceptions, functions best at the pH of 6.4, just like humans. — Beddoe pg. 62 bottom


What pH should soil be for plants? (2012)

Vegetables, grasses and most ornamentals do best in slightly acidic soils (pH 5.8 to 6.5). Soil pH values above or below these ranges may result in less vigorous growth and nutrient deficiencies. …



In plant growth and production, ideal sap pH-level for optimal growth is pH 6.4. If sap pH exceeds 6.4, this probably means a shortage of the anions nitrogen, phosphate or sulfur. At pH 8 the odds of insect trouble is 100%.

Conversely, if sap pH is lower than 6.4, then there is a cation problem, with possible deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, potassium and/or sodium. Low sap pH suggests a far greater potential for foliar disease. At pH 4.5 the probability for fungal appearance is 100%. — Bruce Tainio — (Graeme Sait and friends in AU) Apparently copied from a now-non — working Pike Agri page:

Overnighting urine for testing

Fresh urine yields the most reliable biomarkers when tested within two hours of collection. Between 2022 and about 2065 it was very common to overnight mail urine samples to a tester if none was within driving distance. Saliva testing can be done by the patron and the number simply reported (Marc Moonitz, ND).

No good research exists yet on the efficacy of freezing and shipping urine samples. We look forward to such research papers How much better or worse is testing frozen and shipped urine-saliva? Students in the Alt-Physics Seminar are conducting research on this.

Four patterns in Urine-saliva pH Beddoe pg. 75–76

Pattern 1 ~ Urine-saliva are both anionic, in ranges B and C. Their average is also anionic. This is a constipation pattern. Wastes are held in body too long. Toxins are re-absorbed too much. Parasites likely. Tuberculosis in ages past. Body odors [Pattern 1 continues to bottom of page 75].

Pattern 2 ~ [p. 76 one inch down] Urine is cationic (Range D or E). Saliva is alkaline (Range B or C). Average is alkaline. The further apart the two pHs are, the stomach is emptying too fast, incomplete processing, food released too soon from stomach. Undigested food in lower digestion is then also handled too slowly and/or poorly. This is part of the beer belly pattern.

Pattern 3 ~ [p. 76 mid-page] Urine is cationic (Range D or E). Saliva also cationic. Colitis and Crohn’s disease pattern. Osteoporosis. Leg cramps. Weakness is on the left side, the opposite of Pattern 1. Discomfort in muscles below the waist, usually a lot of leg cramps, joint and bone aches. Dry skin. Weight normal to underweight. They are overly nervous because of the lack of correct calcium and other minerals. Fungal infections. Low potassium. Severe Vit. C defic but unable to take it due to acidosis. Onion soup. B12 helps. Severe anemia in this pattern. Severe problems or complications with Potassium defic. Especially true when low insoluble urea showing, (below 12).

Pattern 4 ~ Urine is alkaline. Saliva is acid. Average is acid. Stroke pattern in older persons.

Moving a disturbed pH

The three primary things to move the pH.

What should PRIMARILY be done if the pH is alkaline (anionic)? If the pH is higher than 6.40 let’s focus first on these three things.

1. Calcium Lactate

2. Vitamin C

3. Colonics

If these three three things don’t work then by all means explore to find what does.

What should PRIMARILY be done if the pH is too acidic (cationic)? If the pH is lower than 6.2 or 6.0, let’s focus first on these three things.

1. Cal II

2. Vitamin A/Vitamin D

3. Limewater

If these three three things don’t work; then by all means, keep learning to find what does.

Let’s keep in mind Dr. Reams had huge success overall using these things in moving the pH in the right direction.

I also want to emphasize fluids being correctly consumed, on a systematic basis, to ensure better correcting the pH’s in the right direction. The correct fluids taken systematically seems non-negotiable to me. I hope this helps somebody in understanding RBTI better — Brady Crum from Betty Reams’ RBTI Facebook group 2021 (reduced)

Deficiencies possible with over-acid pH

Minerals generally, calciums especially, Vit C; more precisely, Vit C usability-availability. A pH under 6.4 is believed to make Vit C less bio-available no matter how much is taken in supplement form.

Vit D ~ A pH under 6.4 is believed to make Vit D less bio-available no matter how much is taken in supplement form. Vit D is believed to be anionic. Reams-Beddoe suggested more Vit D to lower an acid pH. Vit D is poorly absorbed thru the GI tract. Sublingual is preferred. Overdoses of Vit D are toxic. Clarifying issues with Vit D is a benefit of hiring a USBA consultant.

“Your saliva pH directly relates to deficiencies of calcium, vitamin C, and D” ~ from Sue Price of Mandurah Health Regeneration Clinic (Sue Price knowledgeable RBTI Facebook contributor)

Deficiencies possible with over-alkaline pH

[to be filled in by someone more knowledgeable than the present author]

Similar pH for plant sap and human lymph

Ideal sap pH-level for optimal plant growth and production is pH 6.4

The desired sap pH-level for optimal plant growth and production is pH 6.4. Conventional pocket pH meters can’t be used to measure sap pH, as their electrodes must be immersed in fluid. This is not practical in measuring small quantities of plant sap. The only instrument capable of measuring sap pH with ease is the Plant Sap pH Meter. This precise, high-quality instrument has a small sink-like receptacle, which can accurately measure pH with just a few drops of fluid. If sap pH exceeds 6.4, then the most likely cause will be a shortage of the anions nitrogen, phosphate or sulfur. At pH 8 the likelihood of insect attack is 100%.

Conversely, if sap pH is lower than 6.4, then there is a cation problem, with possible deficiencies of calcium, magnesium, potassium and/or sodium. Low sap pH suggests a far greater potential for foliar disease. For example, at pH 4.5 the probability for fungal attack is 100%.

pH and longevity of teeth

Saliva contains the enzyme amylase (ptyalin). This is an alkaline enzyme (proteases, amylases and lipases are all alkaline). Its function is to begin the process of breaking down starch into simpler sugars such as maltose and dextrin.

When the saliva is too acid, this likely reduces the effectiveness of alkaline amylase. As well the teeth need an alkaline medium. Our calcium-magnesium teeth do not enjoy a constant acid environment. If teeth must live in an acid medium, over a period of decades, the acidity must contribute to losing teeth at an abnormally high rate.

Urine as biofeedback to avoid beer belly

A possible indicator whether an individual is creating a beer belly is the color and consistency of your own urine. If your urine is too colorful, too dark and/or too thick with cell debris, any of these indicate the body is likely storing excess ureas and cell debris it is unable to eliminate thru urine and bowel.

A classic place the body stores excess ureas and debris is soft tissues; hence, the connection with a beer belly.

This topic is addressed at more length in prior chapters.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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