Metabolic Re-patterning in USBA (RBTI)

Chapter 9 from serializing of Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out.

Bruce Dickson
5 min readDec 10, 2021

Available on Kindle now. USBA stands for “urine-saliva biomarker testing,” a new name given to the original method of Dr. Carey Reams.

This is my best guess how to prevent all future pandemics. This is what needs to be learned, returning healthcare back to individuals, families and neighborhoods.

After completing a summary of each R7 number and its significance, is a good place to emphasize the goal of urine-saliva analysis ala Reams, is misconstrued if we characterize it as 100% “follow the numbers.”

When your purpose is clarity on how the body is responding to the latest meal or intervention; yes, by all means do “follow the numbers”.

However to avoid one-sidedness, let’s remember two things can be true at the same time.

A mono-mania on numbers, to the exclusion of all other input, is the classic error narrow-minded over-rational scientists make. Males in particular are prone to one-sided, left-sided, left-brain-only thinking. This is the kind of partial thinking which creates Frankenstein monsters. Iain McGilchrist’s reframing of brain lateralization (2009–2022) was the big breakthru making the limited pattern of one-sided male thinking clear.

In USBA, we do not worship numbers alone. We honor the wholeness of Life — including numbers. We want humans and Nature working together as friends, as equal partners, befriending each other.

You will encounter in Healthcare College and in some patrons, persons obsessed and anxious about “getting their numbers right” to the exclusion of everything else in life. When you encounter and recognize this thinking, try to smile compassionately. It takes emotional courage; and practice, to expand from one-sided to two sided thinking.

Is there an antidote for lop-sided, one-sided thinking? Yes. Gently remind over-anxious patrons and colleagues how the R7 numbers only reflect how the liver and general metabolism is — or is not — re-patterning towards its optimal chemistry.

Q: How do we think about a new set of R7 numbers in a whole-brained manner?

A: The numbers “speak to us,” point us in two direction:

1) LISTENING TO what the body is saying thru the numbers; and

2) COLLABORATING with the body to determine the next intervention useful for disrupting old metabolic patterns; so, liver, organs and cells can re-pattern into the A Range.

The goal is not numbers. The goal is metabolic re-patterning.

Esher bee art

begin quote

The regenerative capability of the liver is well known; and, the mechanisms regulating liver regeneration are extensively studied. Such analyses have defined general principles governing hepatic regenerative response. These implicate extra-cellular-specific and intra-cellular signals essential for normal liver regeneration.

end Q

Surprising to us now, very little literature existed anywhere on metabolic re-patterning until 2055–2065. Now we have solid peer-reviewed literature starting with Metabolic Re-patterning, 2nd ed (2062) by Natalie Attired, DMD, USBA, and Candace B. Rittenoff, MD.

Put simply, each organ and our whole body gets habituated to the pH of our Internal Waters, the milieu each cells, each organ has to live and move and have its being within.

This has the greatest consequences for our liver. When our liver get habituated to either a too-acid or too-alkaline or under-mineralized environment, this immediately limits to amount and quality of the liver’s metabolic products.

Let’s recall: Where do cells and organs get the proteins and enzymes to make new cells and regenerate? Primarily from the liver, not exclusively, yet, primarily.

You can think of this as a supply-chain problem. When the liver can not make all the cellular building blocks cells and organs need to replace old cells and regenerate organs — this work declines and slows. Cells and organs are stuck making due with whatever cellular products the liver is able to make.

When a “make do” situation persists, it becomes the metabolic habit for that cell, that organ. The cells, the liver; and the whole body, become habituated to what the liver can and cannot make.

Only in Living Waters of optimal pH and optimal mineral ions, can the liver make all the cell products cells and organs are asking it for.

The above is details in words what the image of the fish in the fish bowl shows in imagery. The fish suffers in a dirty fish bowl. The fish revives and thrives in a clean fish bowl (with optimal mineral ions).

Significant changes to our liver’s fish bowl chemistry occur when either or both of these occur:

- The ph of our internal lymph waters shifts more acid or more alkaline, and/or

- More or fewer biocompatible mineral ions are available to the liver.

People are funny. Before USBA became mainstream, when drugs, surgery and expensive tests were the norm, if the average person was well, they didn’t often come to their primary healthcare practitioner. They only came when they were ill.

Now that visiting your primary healthcare practitioner more rarely results in non-nutritive drugs, surgery or high cost to the patient, people come more often and enjoy taking control of their health by collaborating in illness prevention test-analysis check-ups.

Q: What was Reams’ strategy with his clients at his retreats?

A: In retreats, when safe to so so, his main strategy was to get the client’s numbers into the A Range, as fast as possible; then, hold them in the A Range until the liver in particular and the body generally, re-patterned to a healthier Range.

Q: I have a psychology and counseling background. This reminds me of the addiction recovery strategy of “going cold turkey.” Is this what Reams did?

A: Yes, our study of Dr. Reams’ retreat material suggests if he thought it was safe, he would apply a “cold turkey” approach.

Was prescribing the “cold turkey” approach to 100% of his retreat clients? No. The sicker they were, the more gentle initial interventions had to be.

With healthier subjects who could handle it, was he oblivious to the stress and suffering of his cold-turkey approach? No. To make it more bearable, the stress of holding the body to the A Range until the liver re-patterned was “softened” by nightly gatherings where stories were told, testimonials exchanged and hymns sung together.

We are convinced without this immediate, nightly social support system, many fewer clients would have been able to maintain on their programs. Some readers will have read historical accounts of cancer support groups for people taking the extreme — now obsolete — medical strategy of chemo-therapy drug cocktails to “kill cancer.” These cancer groups also harnessed the power of social permission and social support to get patients thru challenging body protocols.

To repeat: The endgame of USBA is misunderstood if characterized as 6.4 pH urine-saliva. When safe and appropriate for an individual, the endgame is arranging for the LIVER to RE-PATTERN towards a healthier Range, ideally the A Range “fish bowl” chemistry. If in a retreat setting, you hold the urine at 6.4 until liver re-patterns; then, the rest of body follows.

Can a sudden re-patterning of the liver, even in a healthy direction, cause a healing crisis? You bet.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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