No flowering plant grows just to make seeds; just ask any plant
We tell school children the purpose of plants is to make seeds so new plants can grow next year.
That is how the one-sided, left-brain-only, color-blind intellect thinks. This is NOT how a flowering plant thinks.
What are plants most proud of every year? The bright, colorful flowers they made. Each year flowering annuals look forward to producing flowers all out of proportion to making seeds. No plant writes home to mother, “What big seeds I made this year.”
For a plant, the long period of producing leaf-leaf-leaf rhythm is somewhat repetitious. Even making seeds is the same old thing year after year until it dies?” What the plant dreams about is, “Making a FLOWER! I was born to make flowers!” The flower blossom is the climax of the plant’s yearly routine, the crescendo.
To paraphrase Ernst Lehrs in Man or Matter, what does a flowering plant aspire to? The animal kingdom. In its flowering, the plant approximates, in plant terms, the sex organs of animals. Many flowers create scent as well, like animals do. A plant’s sexual expression with close by of distant partners, mimics and pantomimes, as best a plant can, the sexual activity of animals.
Many humans like to forget or dismiss the sex organ function of plant blossoms. Many humans prefer to appreciate flowers as divine expressions of sacred (non-sexual) geometry. Both are true. In the simplicity and perfection of their geometry, flowers approximate and remind us of the perfection and potential for symmetry in Divine Archetypes.
The seeds are the further consequence of the flower. However compared to the advent of a blossom, seeds are more like a useful after-thought, clearly not the main event in the life and death of a flowering plant. Seeds are what it makes as physical life and vitality is slipping away. Flowers is what plants do at their apex of vitality.
Each year flowering annuals look forward to producing flowers all out of proportion to making seeds. No plant writes home to mother, “What big seeds I made this year.” Plants are proudest of the flowers they made.
To Learn More
In Man or Matter pg. 82 et seq (1985 edition) you can learn about the etheric aura, in each living thing, aspires to become something more. Our etheric body experiences this as a verb and an affirmation, “I am evolving.” Each year many plants evolve from seed to flower and back to seed.
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