Our “internal fish bowl” determines our physical wellness

Bruce Dickson
3 min readSep 6, 2022


The quality of our internal terrain is the greatest determiner of our physical health.

How much control do we have over our internal terrain? We have different degrees of control over different parts of our internal terrain.

We have the most control over our gaseous inner terrain. What’s in your lungs? If we we dislike how things smell, we move to another part of the room or the park.

We have least control over two major parts of our internal terrain:

1) Our bones, our bony body terrain; and,

2) The pH of our blood stream.

Our bones change slowly. Measuring our bone density conventionally can only be done invasively with X-rays or with a bone biopsy. Neither are pleasant. Similarly, our muscles change slowly too. With exercise, we can modulate our body’s muscle mass.

We also have little control over the terrain of our blood pH. Nature decided the optimal pH for red blood cells to on-board and off-load O2 is so critical, our blood pH is modulated automatically by two systems. One is by how much CO2 (acid) we exhale or hold onto in our breathing. The other is by bicarbonates (alkaline) made by our kidneys. What we eat has no significant effect on our blood pH.

Does this leave us with ANY terrain individuals can manage by deliberate choice?

Our internal fish bowl

Yes. Our lymph and extracellular water. This is the internal fluid compartment we have greatest control over.

“Intracellular Fluid is defined as all the body water within cells. Unlike the ECF compartment, is an inhomogeneous, multi-compartmental entity, with different pH and ionic compositions depending upon the organ or tissue being considered” — From: Oh’s Intensive Care Manual (2014, Seventh Edition).

The metaphor an internal fish bowl is correct when applied to our internal extracellular water. This is the internal water body we have conscious control over.

How do we affect our internal fish bowl? By what we put in our mouth. The food we eat and water we drink determine our lymph biochemistry virtually 100%.

Q: How are we to understand the metaphor of a “dirty fish bowl”?

A: As disturbed biochemistry of our lymph.

Our lymph can have too much or little of each of these: acid and alkaline wastes, sugars-carbs, electrolytes, and ureas.

If we had to pick only one biomarker to check, for most people, this would be pH. Both too acid and too alkaline are unbalanced. Not everyone needs to go more alkaline either. Absent good research, to be done some day, my guess is about one-third of people are already too alkaline. About one-third are too acid. About one-third are already close to optimal pH 6.4. This is also the optimal pH of vegetable and fruit leaf sap.

Our internal fish bowl can be fouled simply by too little water intake. Almost no one — including the present author — drinks enuf water.

Optimal lymph biomarkers known since 1931

What does the above suggest? If a cheap, easy, non-invasive way to monitor all lymph biomarkers existed; AND, we knew the optimal numerical values for each; then, we would have an objective measure representing the optimal biochem of our internal fish bowl. To make new cells, all our cells and organs rely on our extracellular water for new cell building blocks. The quality of our lymph matters a great deal.

In 1931, after a local neighbor family came to him with their sick child, Dr. Carey Rams came to a “formula” thru prayer, fasting; and, analysis from his profession in farm soil management.

With an array of biomarkers as above, there is no longer much cause to look for enemies in germs and “pathogens.” The practical approach to health is to “follow the numbers” to get all your numbers into the A Range of optimal biochemistry. Then your cels and organs, starting with liver and brain, have the best opportunity to heal and make new healthy cells.

Any questions?

To Learn More

Choose Life or Death (1977) Carey A. Reams and Cliff Dudley

No Time to Die by Joanne Fontenot (1979), and

Health Guide for Survival by Salem Kirban (1976)

Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out (2021)

PDFs all these four texts available from the author of this article HealingToolbox atttg mail.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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