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Our National Question: In 2020, Will Democrats advocate a clean break with the past?
If our Presidential election every four years is Our National Conversation; then, what is the question of Our 2020 National Conversation?
With all Democrats split close to 50–50 between Warren-Sanders on on side and Buttigieg-Klobichar-Biden on the other side, let’s ask:
What is the question of Our National Conversation?
I was watching CBS’s Colbert and Dickerson recalling the metaphor of Presidential elections as a National Conversation. Ideally it centers on a clear question. These two made no headway on identifying the question we face in 2020.
As 2020 progresses, I believe the question coming forward is, “Shall we make a clear break with the past, with business as usual, with the way things have been 1970–2019 — or not?”
Am I missing any more clear question? Does a more clear conflict exist in 2020 than class conflict, between the 1% and the 99%?
If this becomes our national conversation question; then, only Sanders and Warren stand solidly for a “yes” vote. Buttigieg-Klobichar-Biden seem like “no” votes.
Anyone else writing about the question of Our National Conversation?