Psychology (Inner Family) speculation on MAGA cultists pattern

Bruce Dickson
6 min readJun 17, 2024


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See Appendix for speculation on the disturbed energy pattern of do-nothing, centrist, neoliberal, Wall Street Democrats

By Bruce Dickson, MA, MSS and Mimi Castellanos, DSS

Two of us familiar with internal parts dialogue have been thinking about the patterns underlying MAGA cult attraction. See if this makes sense to you. Comments invited. Collaboration invited.

It may be MAGA cultists share two disturbed patterns.

Pattern one: An extreme version of topdog~underdog. See below.

Pattern two: Narcissism from extreme emotional neglect in childhood, from one or both parents.

Topdog and underdog 101

The polarity of topdog~underdog comes from Fritz Perls’ Gestalt therapy (1940s-1960s). Topdog is a metaphor for the internal part of an individual who makes demands of him or herself. In the 1950s, such demands were said to come from social norms and standards: the individual must adhere to accepted social norms. Internally, these demands express as “shoulds,” “oughts” and “have to” self-talk. The topdog is your inner dictator who tells you what you should do. It demands, demands, demands.

The underdog is in charge of resting, digesting food, repairing cells, organs and injuries, relaxation and sleep. When topdog demands constantly, underdog can only respond, “I can’t, I can’t, I can’t, I can’t.” Eventually it gets angry and “I can’t,” becomes “I won’t.” The “I won’t” stage can progress to:

- Playing the victim (demonstrating incompetence),

- Playing the rebel, with or without a cause,

- Scheming to thwart, yelling against, all outer authority (lack of healthy inner authority).

I worked on a friend this week. I learned the topdog~underdog polarity is not only a top~bottom polarity. It can also be a polarity between the right~left sides of the body.

It may be this polarity which is a common symptom of MAGA cultists.

This idea in Inner Family terms

The Inner Family is in our gut brain and has four archetypes:

YANG and right side: Child and Father

yin and left side: Mother and Wise Accepting Grandparent.

If YANG right hip (Father archetype) is angry at

yin left hip (wise accepting Grandparent archetype)

who is also resistant to hight hip, then

these two are dissociated, angry at each other, not on speaking terms, not cooperating, not collaborating.

When this is the case, Tump’s antics appear normal and appropriate, appealing to those afflicted with the same internal imbalance. More simply, Tump’s antics out-picture and dramatize the stormy internal drama of each MAGA cultist.

Comments invited.

This idea in Inner Court terms

The Inner Court is in our head-brain. Each hemisphere holds two archetypes:

Left brain intellect: King Arthur (father) and Merlin (wise accepting Grandparent)

Right brain creative flower child: Lancelot (child) and Guinever Mother)

If King Arthur is angry at

Merlin, who is also resistant to Arthur, then

these two are dissociated, not on speaking terms, not cooperating, not collaborating.

When this is the case, Tump’s antics appear normal. Tump’s antic appeal to those afflicted with the same internal imbalance. More simply, Tump’s antics out-picture and dramatize the stormy internal drama of each MAGA cultist.

Comments invited.

Narcissism due to parental neglect 101

Can parental abandonment cause narcissism? “Events in the early life of a child, such as the absence of caring, nurturing and emotional consideration from a parent; or, loss of a parent through death, divorce, hospitalization, or withdrawal due to emotional illness, can contribute to a narcissistic fixation…” ‘If no one else can or will take care of me, I must 100% care for myself and trust no one else.’


Solutions? For those interested, solutions abound

Extreme topdog~underdog conflict is best understood as an extreme lack of self-connection.

Greater self-connection looks like, practice of one or more methods of self-connection, consistently over time: talking to internal parts, journaling, yoga, spiritual exercises.

Parental neglect leading to narcissism is best understood as immature protectors from prior the client’s third birthday who, due to circumstances of parental neglect-abandonment, habituated to perceiving the world and other people as the enemy; they could rely only on their own self — however inadequate.

Unburdening these internal parts, inviting them to sit back and allow a more mature, considered Self to lead is easiest to learn using the methods of Internal Family Systems. Other methods which encourage internal dialogue between two stressed parts are also likely to support healing.

Generationally interest in self-connection peaked between 1975–1995. Less interest in this in more recent generations. Only a few of us still talking about it. Yet self-connection remains a key for the next healthcare paradigm replacing the myths of “lack of drugs” and “germs-cause-all disease”.

Tweets from Twitter slightly revised:

From Jennifer Mercieca @jenmercieca: Fascist regimes suppress free thought, free will & freedom to critique. Right-Wing Authoritarian followers don’t mind, they don’t want any of that. They’d rather have the world simplified for them into yes/no, us/them. Raging topdogs can handle no criticism (see Tump). All they know is how to punish those who criticize.

From Peter Greene @palan57: Book about book bans is being banned by Florida school board. It has no sexual content.

From Jennifer Mercieca @jenmercieca: The choices which strike us as most undemocratic — lack of choice and free will — are the mindset which makes a one-sided topdog feel most comfortable and supported.


“Gestalt Modalities” — The Gestalt Institute of Toronto

“Self-Care in Skills Practice — Topdog and Underdog in Gestalt Therapy” —,%3A%20'I%20can't!

“What is the top dog mentality?” Topdog vs. underdog — Wikipedia

“What Is The Cause Of A Narcissist?” —,no%20one%20cares%20about%20them


“The link between trauma and narcissism” By Hope Therapy & Counseling Services -,abuse%2C%20neglect%2C%20and%20abandonment.


Bruce Dickson is a retired Health Intuitive. He’s self published 22 books and booklets on Holistic Psychology 2.0.

Mimi Castellanos is a world-class medical intuitive. She sells Dr. Ruggierio’s high-tech GcMAF yogurt called Bravo at and and

APPENDIX — DRAFT Speculation on the disturbed energy pattern of do-nothing, centrist, neoliberal, Wall Street Democrats
by Bruce

Where the MAGA pattern seems like two classic John Bradshaw topics on healing the wounded inner child, the pattern of do-nothing, centrist, neoliberal, Wall Street Democrats doesn’t feel similar. It feels more like heavy metal toxicity. Toxic heavy metal expressions all have over- and undercharged expressions. These are complicated by alloyed metals and other negative energies difficult to generalize about.

These metals seem indicated, so far in no particular order:

Aluminum — blaming other nations (for doing what we do), unforgiving (other nations for doing what we do), manipulative dollar diplomacy, dollar hegemony, disguises (false front propaganda, deceptive TV ads, spin doctors, etc), victim/aggressor cycle (in pretty much all international relations). For 30 years or more, aluminum excess has been associated with dementia-Alzheimers’.

Zirconium — Pride (waving flag symbols with little interest in what values are demonstrated in the name of the flag), looking good to others (abroad while most homeland cities and rural areas deteriorate under neglect (excepting where the wealthy live))

CADMIUM undercharge expressions: despondent, lifeless, emotional void, disconnected, powerless, passive, discouragement. Cadmium undercharge fits for the long list of conspicuous-by-its-absence behaviors and policies left undone by do-nothing, centrist, neoliberal, Wall Street Democrats:

- Inaction on funding grassroots organizing, door to door canvasing, over-reliance on TV ads and the formerly liberal Supreme Court to preserve the spirit and benefits of the New Deal era,
- Inaction on halting arms to Israel to stop the genocide,
- Inaction on anti-monopoly cases filed for 40 years (only recently much-improved),
- Inaction on DACA, the Dreamers,
- Inaction of adding and filling more justice seats on the Supreme Court,
- Inaction on calling Justice Alito and Thomas in for questioning on their bad behavior and conflicts of interest,
- Inaction on landlord rent-gouging and algorithmic price fixing (action just beginning),
- Inaction on copying European Best Practices in building public housing,
- Inaction on domestic child poverty.

Cadmium overcharge expressions: arrogance, selfish pride, (also likely snobbery, Hilary painting all poor rural voters as “deplorables,” unspoken consensus that “fly-over states” are worth nothing and can be ignored.

Comments invited.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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