Radical aspects of urine-saliva biomarker testing-analysis (USBA)

Bruce Dickson
11 min readDec 31, 2021


Chapter 12 serializing of new book, Befriending Your Biology; Physical Health from the Inside Out.
Available on Kindle now. USBA stands for “urine-saliva biomarker testing,” a new name given to the original method of Dr. Carey Reams.

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1) Biomarker testing is “at the roots” for understanding healthy plants, animals and humans

“Radical” means “at the root.” Biomarker testing-analysis is radical as this same approach works on:

- farming, gardening and agricultural soils,

- livestock animal health, and

- human health.

2) The Biomarker Revolution of 2045–2065 encouraged teh public to consider their own physical body the health expert to consult

You’ve probably heard the media soundbite common since 2100, “The Biomarker Revolution made our body the expert.” More true is, ‘The Biomarker Revolution created social permission, for more people to ask their body questions — thru USBA testing or other methods — about food, diet, sleep and lifestyle. No more practical partner exists for a second opinion on these topics, than your own internal Living Waters.’

The Biomarker Revolution gave everyone a new job. You, conscious, waking Self, are the designated steward of your immune health.

For those wanting a more technical metaphor, USBA encouraged the public and trained them how, to use their own body as a biofeedback instrument for physical health.

Since this revolution, public consensus on “who does the healing?” shifted away from “doctors” and “pills” back to “ask the body” and “”follow the numbers.” Healthcare professionals primarily support individuals to manage their god-given healing apparatus better. Your daily choices determine whether your internal Living waters are optimal environment and nourishment for your cells and organs — or not.

If conscious waking Self makes friends with your own biochemistry, health is facilitated. Your USBA consultant is your external partner for pointing out errors; and, identifying next beneficial experiments, to keep your biochemistry optimal.

3) USBA was the end of guessing in healthcare

In physical health, USBA was the end of guessing what’s wrong. It was the end of guessing what to try next for physical ailments. USBA ala Reams encourages asking more precise questions sooner, than later. In this way, it encourages critical and independent thinking. Humanistic, holistic healthcare modes often have this in common.

Old Medicine — antibiotics-drugs-surgery — was mostly “health by the book,” the DSM book. Consulting the DSM book was how to insure full reimbursement from insurance companies for treatment. DSM was a “cookbook” for insurance reimbursement.

While reference literature exists, in USBA, critical thinking is indispensable. No “cookbooks” exist. Why? Because each person’s body chemistry is somewhat unique. The main task is identifying and naming where an individual’s metabolism is strong, weak and challenged. Then, what experiments to do next to support more optimal function, to support and feed the liver so it can make the products used to make new healthy cells.

4) USBA gets at underlying causes

Getting to underlying causes of physical disorders and unwanted conditions is “radical.” Consider:

- Two patrons each with a different array of test result numbers; yet, each with very similar symptoms. You find yourself treating each with entirely different foods and supplements,

- Two patrons with the very similar numbers; yet, each have quite different complaints! And

- Two patrons with the same intervals between numbers (ratios), yet transposed to a widely separated range, having similar symptoms (first reported by Dr. Reams).

5) USBA claims its ecumenical Christian value system

USBA ala Reams is unashamed in acknowledging its ecumenical Christian inspiration. It acknowledges benefits come from having and attending to an inner life of faith, hope and love. It voices the view Christ-centered, healthy-Self-led-life, greatly facilitates healing, rebuilding cells and organs.

What does “ecumenical Christian” mean here? It means behaving and serving self and others, as if truly human values matter. This is what the Christ, Buddha, and Martin Luther King, among others professed. Many aspire to live according to truly human values today. We can only demonstrate our alignment with human values, as best we can. Claiming faith tradition X, Y or Z is entirely optional.

Even tho humans conceive of the Source of their own healing, in the most varied ways, encouraging patrons to connect their faith with their healing is often tangibly beneficial.

5) USBA subscribes to democratic values

No one has all the answers, not even USBA consultants with decades of clinical experience. No matter how much we know, we can always learn from each other. If you can’t listen to, and learn from, your USBA clinic colleagues, then why are you working there? USBA avoids group-think or “Dr. Reams says.” Healthy colleagueship involves healthy group process, having flexible thinking, mental resilience, moderating and modulating your arrogance and Know-It-All attitude. Beyond the clinic, what can you do to educate and improve your local neighborhood, and city?

Carey Reams envisioned a healthier USA. He envisioned a democratic sharing of wealth and health. The more people healthy, the better. The more people growing high-brix produce, the better. For who? For the 99% of people and Earth’s ecology. Everyone who eats food is involved in agriculture decisions. By your shopping decisions you contribute to building rich, sustainable soils; or, sterile-depleted-exploited dirt.

Regenerative Agriculture became the main stream of agriculture a few decades earlier than Biomarker analysis became the mainstream of public healthcare. Once both united, the synergy was fantastic. Together in the 2060s, the two streams created an explosion of backyard, front yard, neighborhood gardens; and, larger intentional farming communities (agrihoods). Many of these celebrated a Waldorf-methods K-12 school campus at their geographic center.

6) USBA is radical economics

When the Biomarker Revolution was young, conventional medical doctors often asked their colleagues “defecting” from drugs-surgery, “Why are you changing to less profitable procedures?!” A frequent answer was, “Several reasons:

- I can support more people;

- it’s less stressful;

- it’s more collegial, more creative; and,

- it’s more fun!”

The same thing had happened in the 1980s when private schools in the USA began to be a refuge for more educated, more independent-minded K-12 teachers, who were leaving overly-rigid, factory-style public schools.

Non-invasive Biomarker testing, analysis and interpreting is naturally low-tech and “down home.” Luckily, USBA continues to be very difficult to corporatize.

7) USBA supports life forces in patrons

Think about this. Conventional medicine up to the 2040s was focussed on diagnosing a condition, or multiple conditions; then, prescribing a drug for the microbes supposedly “causing” each pathology.

Compare to USBA. USBA supports whole-body vitality, by working at the roots of vitality, the energy reserve in cells, made possible by the optimal biochemistry of a person’s internal Living Waters. This is a good way to insure optimal immune response. For an physical concern, whatever the diagnosis is, a robust, balanced biochemisty is your best friend for resolving it, or, stabilizing it until more aggressive intervention is needed.

Supporting unconscious metabolic intelligence in each person is radical — compared to superficially diagnosing visible pathology then attacking microbes found on pathologized tissue under a microscope.

Is USBA “innate intelligence”?

Q: Isn’t enhancing innate intelligence exactly what the USA founders of chiropractic preached in the 1920s?

A: Yes, the USBA emphasis on Nature’s Plan for optimally functional Internal Living Water (a clean fish bowl) has natural resonance with the radical view of “innate wisdom in living systems” of the founders of US chiropracrtic.

Both early chiropractors and early osteopaths were trained in the philosophy of supporting, listening to; and, supporting inherent intelligence, not mind, not ego, not intellect. They supported intelligence of a lower frequency than the merely mental, yak-yak mind. The intelligence of the body is more limited, more linear; yet, it is the intelligence closest to metabolic functions and physical well-being.

Chiropractors and osteopaths measured optimal innate wisdom in kinesthetic terms, in terms of absence of subluxed bones, vertebrae and organs. We might say, chiropractors and early osteopaths conceived of ‘all bones and organs in their correct position’ as their version of “homeostasis” and “health.”

Early chiropractors and osteopaths employed vital signs; many chiropractors employed full body X-rays. These were as close as these two modes got to biomarker numbers possible to compare. Without any numerical measurement, or “hard data” for “innate wisdom,” these two modes, in their earliest form had overtones akin to a religion of health, a faith in elan vital, in vital force. Without biomarkers for whole-body biochemistry, “innate wisdom” was perhaps over-broad.

8) USBA both undermines — and supports — religious diet-eating rules

On one hand, USBA radically undermines religious ideas in many faiths about what to eat and what not to eat. Dr. Reams was perhaps the first to recognize vegetarians and vegans were leaving themselves open to criticism. Neither had any system, which produced biomarker numbers to compare to prove completely meatless, eggless, dairyless diets, worked for everyone and all the time.

Dr. Reams never made this error. He backed up his claims with irrefutable biomarker evidence of the Bible wisdom and value of avoiding “no-no foods,” pork-ham especially. Reams found urine-saliva testing validated the advice of Bible verses like these:

Proverbs 23:20–21 ESV: “Be not among drunkards or among gluttonous eaters of meat …”

Genesis 1:29, KJV: “God said, Behold, I have given you every herb-bearing seed, upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree-yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.”

Reams supported any specific religious food-wisdom-practice where, for an individual, or a larger group of individuals, particular food “X” betters their numbers; or, under certain conditions food “X” bettered their numbers.

Was Reams a frustrated Christian preacher?

The Authors have read a very large fraction of available books and transcripts. Two things stand out for us:

- Reams was un-ashamaed about his Christian faith. In his live morning classes for consultants, he came right up to the line of evangelism — never crossing over the line into “this is the only way.” Earlier in his life, Reams had both good and bad experiences with Christian churches and their local leaders. This may have educated him to where the line is between standing firm and unashamed in his faith — and — evangelizing, trying to manipulate people to his way of thinking. The Authors believe Dr. Reams came to a similar place as Einstein on ecumenical faith.

- While Reams was emphatic on multiple occasions about Bible dietary advice which he saw borne out in test-result-numbers, he was even more often heard to say, “Follow the numbers.” This is Reams’ most-often-repeated phrase. It’s also the most-repeated single phrase in the 120 years of RBTI forum posts collectively we have looked at.

USBA: Everyone is benefitted by avoiding pork and tuna

The original prohibition on pork comes from the Old Testament. It turns out it’s not just pork-ham; it’s tuna also. Additional technical details on fish with and without scales can be found in RBTI literature.

Why discourage these? This protein is TOO EASILY DIGESTED. These turn into ureas “all of a sudden.” Our kidneys are challenged to handle sudden rushes of ureas. Not good if your ureas are already high. One of Reams’ most-mentioned cases is curing a man’s headache by lowering his ureas by outing him on his daily tuna fish sandwich habit.

9) The change from “patients” and “clients” to “patrons”

Corporatized healthcare discouraged individuals wishing to take back control of their own health. Why? It is possible to mis-manage your own biology. If you do, you may want to sue your doctor for malpractice.

Old Corporatized Healthcare discouraged individual consumers wanting education to take back control of their own health. Middle schools thru college “health classes” and medical schools taught primarily anatomy, vital signs; then, how to match pathology to drugs and surgical procedures. Why? Among other reasons, if too many consumers became competent at self-care, this also meant lower corporate profits.

When USBA replaced Old Medicine past past 51% in the 2060s, the word “patient” declined in use also. Why? Women in the 2030s-2040s had pointed out the word “patient” denotes an unequal power relationship. The doctor is the “expert,” the active agent of change; the “patient” is the passive receiver of a doctor’s expert agency.

The “patient” Many women stopped using “patient” in the 2040s, replacing it with “patron” — and it caught on. “Patron” is more honoring of the individual’s agency and economic power. “Patron” as in “patron of the arts” makes more clear who is working for who.

Holistic health practs prior to 2008 were among the first to recognize they were vulnerable to their customers and relied on them for income.

Why not “client”? “Client” also connotes a power relationship. The lesser serves the greater; as in, Saudi Arabia, a “client state” of the United States. Women didn’t mind the word “client” in business talk. They only objected to the use of “client” in fields of healthcare and therapeutic counseling. “Patron” connotes a more two-way relationship.

Why “patron”? A big cultural project between 2035–2065 was people, the 99%, taking back political power, personal power and personal agency from corporations. First academics, then college teachers, then more widely amongst the public, people were educated about the dangers of outsourcing human capacities to corporations:

- Easiest to understand, starting in 2007, the outsourcing of food production to corporate Agri-Business was replaced by farming methods which built healthy soils. The Regenerative Agriculture folks were instrumental in this 50 year project.

- Civic leadership had been outsourced to paid politicians. Women elected leaders understood local leadership needed to be restored as much as possible. Why? How else will new generations learn personal accountability for the various Public Commons we wish to hadn to our children?

Leadership returned to the individual, “self-leadership,” also became a huge meme, begun by Richard Schwartz and the Internal Family Systems people in the 1990s.

- Prior to the 2030s, leadership in the family home had been outsourced to television and smaller electronic screens. To redeem family leadership, attention had to be given to Best Practices in Interpersonal Competency and in Best Practices in Healthy Group Process. Now many children are exposed to live, in-person, face to face cooperative games in K-6 Waldorf-methods schools.

In whole-child middle schools thru college, students are exposed to dyad and triad exercises on a variety of topics. These plus a return to individual playing of a musical instrument, reduced the attraction of watching passive television. By 2080 a large fraction of parents were already doing or at least understood the future was getting themself educated in these methods so they could be effective leaders in their own families, neighborhoods, communities.

- In the 1980s, imagination was outsourced to Steven Spielberg and his generation of Boomer blockbuster movie makers. Videogames accelerated this out-sourcing of imagination. Imagination was made into a corporate commodity for sale. To redeem imagination, attention had to be withdrawn from electronic screens of all sizes. Radio, audiobooks and live story telling were still honored. Returning imagination to individuals became a generational task of the parents in the period 2040s-2080s. This is why many of you entering college in 2122 had the benefit of a whole-child Waldorf-methods education. The Waldorf people were the first to develop modern, workable texts for this. Waldorf literature in English on this matured in the 1980s.

All of the above here were aspects of ending out-sourcing of culture, returning personal accountability to individuals and to families, neighborhoods, local community.

Any questions?

