Reams then Revici
How Revici’s insights-methods stack on top of Ream’s insights-methods
Simplified version: Before employing Revici’s insight to support our immune system to initiate and complete all four phases of immune response, reduce NOISE in the whole metabolism by stabilizing the pH of our internal “fish bowl” at 6.4 for both urine and saliva.
When the lymph can be kept at 6.4; then, Revici’s insights on the pattern of immune response interrupted at phase two (lipids) apply. Once our internal fish bowl is in balance, Revici’s interventions are less impeded and optimally effective as most metabolic “noise” is minimized.
Reams first then Revici.
More accurate summary for those familiar with RBTI ~
A main insight of Dr. Revici was to support our immune system initiating and completing all four phases of immune response. However prior to this effort, it makes sense to reduce as much unnecessary NOISE IN THE SYSTEM.
A main insight of Dr. Reams, in my words, was to minimize Noise in the system from disturbed levels of sugars, pH, electrolytes and ureas.
When these variables are balanced in our internal fish bowl; then, Revici’s interventions are less impeded and optimally effective.
Reams first then Revici.
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“Genius is seeing what everyone else sees and thinking what no one else thinks. Revici is a genius” — Dr. Robert Fishbein, MD Cured of terminal brain cancer by Dr. Revici
Note ~ Revici, Reams, Tesla and Einstein were all contemporaries. Keep this in mind. We outside conventional thought here, going into much deeper waters. FYI Einstein himself invited Revici to collaborate with him in the field of physical chemistry. Reams corresponded with Einstein.
Revici believed health required balance between two dynamic forces in all living organisms:
- ANABOLISM (building up), and
- CATABOLISM (breaking down).
If either of these forces predominates for a longer than normal period of time, disease begins. [on top of any pH, sugars, urea disturbances present in our internal fishbowl]
four successive immune response phases
When a splinter, or opportunistic microbe enters our internal ecosystem, our defense system activates.
When dealing with foreign invaders or imbalances, Revici believed a sequence of four distinct, successive phases was designed to occur:
1) The Enzyme Phase — the breaking down of foreign substances by enzymes, if possible.
2) The Lipidic Phase — Lipids are non-toxic fatty acids and sterols (fatty alcohols). The body wants a balance of both. [This can be conceived of as a 50–50 balance Real ratio unknown so far or varies around the body?]. The body produces whichever lipids it can, whichever lipids it has materials for, towards a balance of the two.
3) Coagulant Antibody Phase — antibodies gather at the site of the foreign substance. This can be conceived of a “responding and following thru until all healing tasks are done” (Mimi Castellanos, DSS paraphrase).
If the first three phases are completed successfully, this is followed finally by:
4) Globulinic Antibody Phase — the foreign substance is fully neutralized for excretion.
The key point of this four-fold sequence is a new phase does not start until the previous phase has been successfully completed. If in any phase, too few metabolic materials are present to complete a phase, the sequence breaks down.
If this sounds familiar, please recall Dr. Stephanie Seneff’s explanation for cholesterol build-up in the arteries (circa 2015). The cholesterol waits for sulfur which never comes. An expected materials, sulfur, is absent, deficient. This throws off the the lock and key healing task. We see this interrupted-process-pattern again in Revici’s idea of immune response stuck at the Lipid Phase.
Our immune system is simple-minded and linear-minded. One of its geniuses is molecular lock and key systems. The weakness of lock and key systems is they are inflexible. If no key; then, no processing. As with the key to the front door of your home, if the wrong key is inserted or the correct key is absent, you don’t get in. This is their limitation; they do not support alternatives and work-arounds. Work-around-flexibility exists at a much higher frequency, primarily at the level of the conscious Self.
When our immune response gets stuck at a stage, the organs and cells keep making whatever materials they can for the incomplete stage, waiting and hoping the process can be completed.
Revici found most chronic diseases, are characterized by an interrupted sequence of immune response phases. More specifically at the Lipid Phase. One of the two, fatty acids or sterols, are produced in abnormally large quantities, leading to characteristic disorders.
Revici’s yin~YANG of Catabolism~Anabolism
Revici dealt with primarily very sick persons, a large fraction of whom were cancer patients. He found two basic patterns of immune imbalance:
- Patients were stuck in ANABOLIC, or sterol dominance (hormones like estrogen, progesterone, and adrenal hormones); [Revici used this to explain how and why physically robust people could get cancer]; or
- Patients were stuck in CATABOLIC, or fatty acid dominance (essential fatty acids, cod liver oil, lecithin, etc) [Revici used this to explain how and why a large fraction of cancer patients appeared to waste away].
His goal was to normalize the imbalance by giving the body whichever of the two was deficient. To my knowledge, Revici did not attempt to first balance the pH, sugars and ureas of our internal Living Waters.
Revici’s yin and yang of lipids
Lipids are constituents of all living cells. Two categories of lipids exist, fatty acids and sterols. He believed positively charged sterols oppose or complement negatively charged fatty acids.
He associated STEROLS with anabolic activity and positive electrical charges [Backwards? More likely connected with negative ions?]
He associated FATTY ACIDS with catabolic activity and negative electrical charges [Backwards? More connected with positive ions and free radicals?].
He believed an excess of sterols promoted too much anabolism. Biochemically an excess of sterols causes two problems:
- reduces the healthy metabolic activity of fatty acids, and
- reduces cell membrane permeability.
He believed an excess of fatty acids promoted catabolism. Biochemically an excess of fatty acids disturbs the healthy metabolic functions of electrolytes (soluble mineral ions). This can lead to an alkaline environment in tumor tissues.
His goal was to restore balance between these two lipids.
He tested to identify which of these two was deficient and treated with the opposite lipid to get metabolism in balance again.
“We can say essentially two broad categories of lipids concern us, fatty acids and sterols. Fats themselves are a chain of carbon atoms, and with fatty acids, there is a negatively charged fatty acid end to those carbons. With sterols the chain of carbons has a positively charged sterol end” (Will Schmidt — who goes on to describe the the structural orientation of those lipid carbon chains in cell membrane walls).
Note ~ Treating with Beta-sitosterol and phyto-sterols-stanols is perhaps Revici-inspired; yet, is divorced from Revici’s ideas.
Reams first then Revici
Where Revici innovated at the level of understanding our immune response sequence, Reams innovated at the level of the whole-body “fish bowl.” This is the chemistry of the entire fluid compartment of our lymph plus interstitial fluids. This is more easily conceived of in the metaphor of our internal Living Waters.
Note 1 ~ Bruce dislikes the metaphor of Extra-cellular matrix. Note 2 ~ To my knowledge the pH of the fluid compartment of water INSIDE cells has yet to be fully addressed in RBTI).
In terms of intervention methods for sick persons, it seems most natural to first stabilize the whole-body fluid compartment (outside of blood; possibly, outside of water inside cells). Stabilize the pH, sugars, and ureas. Do this first. Then identify which phase of immune response is unable to complete.
Both Reams’ and Revici’s insights are more fundamental and “at the root” than drugs, surgery and radiation treatment. It would seem stabilizing our whole-body fish bowl builds a stable foundation on top of which to address re-starting interrupted immune response phases.
Revici on cancer
Revici observed cancer results when the body’s natural defense system sequence is arrested. Most often it is arrested early in the lipid phase, called the lipidic phase. Either fatty acids or sterols proliferate because a deficiency of one of these two is present. [The interrupted cholesterol-sulfur healing process is analogous].
Consequently Revici’s therapy was simply to correct the fatty acids~sterols imbalance. He also pioneered the use of both sulfur and selenium. [Think of DMSO which can penetrate and cross all bio barriers in the body. ]
Richard Walters. “Revici Therapy” (undated, circa 2018) —
Havarsi, Peter. Education of Cancer healing, Vol. 8: Martyrs (2013)
Antony Convey. “Emanuel Revici — a 101-year-old Doctor Who Cured Cancer and Other Serious Incurable Diseases” (2021) Has some acid-alkaline errors —
Will Schmidt. “The Geniuses Behind Science of Bioterrian Optimization” (undated, 2010?) —