SIDEBAR ~ How males became so atheistic
A fragment from Thank God We Got Rid of the Men; A Story of Restoration for Planet Earth a text in progress
This verges on an issue men despise, in part, because neither “spirituality” nor “atheism” can be measured, as left-brain-only “hard science” wishes to measure.
A rise or fall in the quality of USA idealism and USA spirituality only became possible to measure once Goethean Holistic Science came into the mainstream, The Three Sciences We use Everyday. So not until 2045 did a workable rhetoric appear which could be taught in graduate-level college courses. It went something like this.
At its moral and ethical peak — I’ll let you decide when exactly that was, prior to 1955 — America was “beacon of light to the world,” the “shining city on a hill,” “a light unto the nations.”
Somewhere in the 1950s the moral and religious idealism of Progressive USA citizens began to be channeled, first into political agendas of the Elites and 1%; and then finally, into crass materialism, extreme consumerism, a “price tag on each breast.”
As Rudolf Steiner, Emil Bock and other Steiner students suggest, the channeling of idealism into materialism happened most massively in the 1800s. In the 1800s many males and scientists thought like this, “The presumptuous theory was formed by male thinkers, that humanity arose from a spirit-devoid, animalistic darkness, straight into the unsurpassed mental clarity of intellect, disciplined to perfection by Natural Science” ~ Emil Bock p. 42 Genesis (slightly revised and expanded).
As materialistic science, science of only the measurable, became the new religion of “modern man” religion and materialism were mixed — producing — an expanded rhetoric of politics.
In the West, Cultural Creatives and Progressives in the later 1800s and 1900s rightly detested and despised the old converging of Church and State. It resulted in the Roman Catholic Church having too much influence on politics and science, to the the detriment of truth, honesty and transparency for both.
As this history was taught in the 2040s, what the men did not anticipate, and did not protect against, was how the new science religion and politics would converge; and then converge again, with mercantilism, to form consumerism.
In he 2040s the term “consumerism” is obsolete, too mild. “Endless-growthism” and “growth without any limits” are used to describe the defective ideas male leaders endorsed and celebrated.
The polite term for this unholy union was called “capitalism.” It was the same old elites arranging wealth, resources and labor to suit their needs.
Capitalism views wealth creation as the key to economic growth (2011)
Mercantilism believes economic prosperity is achieved through extracting wealth from workers and from other nations. Wealth is measured by gold bullion a nation has in its possession. Wealth extraction is augmented by colonization which then exploits the wealth of client states, nations and islands.
Read more: Difference Between Capitalism and Mercantilism | Difference Between
Without healthy moral-ethical input from women, the likely outcome arose. A mainstream belief in and value of consumerism became the new religion. Starting in the 1920s, then exaggerated in the 1970s, consumerism was virtually state religion. Under males, godless atheism reigned up into the 2020s.
Male preachers took God out of the center of life and put human men at the center. God-like preachers, scientists, and billionaires became the celebrities replacing God. What other possibel outcome was there? It was never going to end well. It was always going to lead to zombie apocalypse.
Outsourcing as many costs as possible to the environment and to the poor? No problem. Only the 1% count. Ayn Rand said so — as she herself collected a “socialist” social security check from the government each month in old age.
As we reckon history in the year 2120, the godless consumerism trend began to ease in 2020.
Extraction-exploitation reduced capable men
The women saw it now, how insane male salespeople had been running SpaceShip Earth into an untimely crash due to poor and absent management of the religion of consuming.
Canadian journalist and author Naomi Klein nailed it in a way many women could hear this. The largest factor in wrecking SpaceShip Earth was the male-greed philosophy of extraction-exploitation, the end of profit justifying any means to profit.
Naomi began pointing this out publicly around 2000. By 2025 women thinkers were telling college learners “extraction-exploitation” is what caused the male bio-catastrophe. Males used human beings as a resources. They extracted wealth from each other. They amassed little piles of money, and were the poorer for this morally, ethically and mythologically.
Males made themselves unsuitable for leadership. On a limited SpaceShip, seeing everything as a mere resource to be exploited, taking what you need, discarding the remainder, outsourcing environmental degradation and all social costs — it wasn’t going to end well. It was always going to end in a zombie apocalypse. Thank God the apocalypse affected primarily the men who created it.