The Three Sciences We Use Everyday

Science as if iNtuitive Feeling and Cultural Creatives mattered. No more one-sided experiments

Bruce Dickson
6 min readMay 29, 2019

Intro to the book Goethean Holistic Science and the Three Sciences We Use Everyday … Plus Related Essays

Why learn about Goethean Holistic Science? Because:

  • The more limited Galileo-Descartes-Newton science paradigm is out of step with human development, since 1970 at least. A women-friendly, children-friendly, subjectivity-friendly and ethics-friendly science is badly needed.

The one-sided domination of only Second Order Science can and will give way to the Three Orders of Science. Why? An expanded, holistic science paradigm offers more benefits to more people.

Any parent can tell you we use Three Sciences Every Day

Parents of children inevitably use all three Sciences most days:
– Teaching my child the dangers of crossing the street with cars (Second Order Science, survival science), primary science of the Outer Game of Life,

– Modeling nurturing and arranging for my child’s subjective experience of developing self-esteem (First Order Science), primary science of the Inner Game of Life.

– Estimating if I bought enuf food and clothes at CostCo to feed the entire family for the next seven days–or not. Deciding how to spend limited funds to meet the demands of all stakeholders in my family unit (Third Order Science), the science of ethics, morals and values.

Can you show me a parent in a Western industrialized nation who does NOT make experiments and rational choices in each of these three areas, on a daily-weekly basis

We can realize everyday we use all Three Orders of Science. The realization aligns well with parenting and women’s issues — not with Dr. Frankenstein.

the thee sciences we use everyday

The above updates indications from Goethe (1748–1832). We can unpack Goethe’s original humanized science paradigm and experimental method; then, transpose them into modern rhetoric.

Let’s recognize we use all Three Orders of Science everyday. This holistic realization aligns well with parenting and women’s issues . One-sided science is Dr. Frankenstein science.

No more one-sided experiments

Goethe was our first modern holistic thinker I’m aware of. Since around 1800, he was the first to understand the need for balance between experimenter and experiment,

Goethe says, perform only two-sided experiments. One one side, the experiment must honor:

Nature’s external, objective appearance and behavior, what Thinking men call “facts,”

The other side? Honoring the subjective experience of the experimenter. This must include:

- the experimenter’s rational Feelings,

- the experimenter’s growth and personal development.

This is the second side of science experiments male Frankenstein scientists wish to avoid, how your experiments are changing you. Goethe wished experimenters to be open to this, to be benefited by how exploring Nature was evolving-maturing their subjective point of view.

If the experimenter is closed to how their research changes them and their views — then we have only one-sided science, one-sided Thinking: no subjective, moral, ethical considerations. One-sided science is thinking separated from feeling, intuition, morality and ethics.

For better and worse, the swing towards extreme one-sided, Spectator, non-participatory science was set in motion by Galileo and Bacon.

The swing back towards whole-brained science was begun by Goethe, furthered by Rudolf Steiner. A century after Goethe, Rudolf Steiner recognized Goethe’s synthesis as a solution to the one-sided, rigid, restrictive narrowness of left-brain-only, one-eyed, materialistic, “hard” science. Ernst Lehrs a Waldorf high school science teacher and student of Steiner, did the heavy lifting of updating Steiner to 1950s rhetoric In Man Or Matter HERE

In one-sided science, the experimenter only works as a mechanical measuring device. This is why in physical-material science at its worst, researchers are paid NOT to think outside their research brief, NOT to feel, not to have moral-ethical-value considerations. Researchers only working for a pay-check are the source of modern Frankenstein monsters. One-sided science is out-dated, since the early 1970s, no longer timely — except where its has been profitable to elite males and corporations who value only extract-exploit-profit.

Future generations will eventually be taught like this:

- Science is the art of asking questions; and, using each new experiment to refine your question,

- Immerse yourself in observing-learning your subject or topic. What patterns of observable facts are present? What new patterns may exist here?

- On the other side of your experiments, keep track and record what you think, and feel, how your study and observations are changing you, evolving your perspective on the world,

- If you find left-brain rational-numerical analysis overwhelms your own internal processing and feeling forces — take a break. Re-establish a 50–50 balance before you return to your experimental subjects.

Goethe’s two-sided experimental method is one of few guards again becoming a mad scientist or a paid enabler of Team Machine agendas.

Where Mad Scientists come from

One-sided experiments inevitably produce fanatical behavior and “mad scientists.” Only one-sided science can produce “mad scientists.” What do Mad Scientists do? They make their experiment more important than who they are, more important than their values-ethics-morals. Do this for any length of time — you do go mad.

Current job openings for Captain Ahab

The Mad Scientist is brother to Captain Ahab. Ahab obsessed on killing one particular whale, in the entire ocean — more important than life itself, more important than the life of men on his ship. Ahab personifies male one-sided-ness, a mono-maniac. Safety, feelings, relationships, morals, ethics — all thrown to the wind.

Who do you think Ahab could work for in 2019? Probably for the promoters of 5G, spreading invisible destruction to the beneficial bacterial biome in plants, insects, animals and children. Earlier Ahab could have worked for nuclear bomb makers. Ahab would probably say Dr. Strangelove was his positive vision of how things ought to be. In the 1980s Monsanto would have hired Ahab to promote RoundUp glyphosate, which kills weeds at the cost of interfering with the formation of healthy proteins in plants, insects, animals, and children.

Holistic health-healing is already Goethean

The biggest Goethean Science experiments have been invisible, hidden in plain sight, since 1970. Holistic health and self-healing activity is necessarily two-sided experiments — therefore, Goethean in nature. We simply did not yet recognize this.

Goethe’s significance to re-conceiving science in the coming 50 years is huge.

With Three Sciences, “hard” science falls naturally into Second Order Science. Its focus is physical-material plane survival, physical competition; and, lifestyle comforts-conveniences.

Anyone reading this willing to stop using indoor plumbing or hot running water? I didn’t think so.

With Third Order Science we determine where this or that invention is APPROPRIATE. With Third Order Science we determine which application or NO application of these learnings is appropriate. WE determine international rules-laws are needed to limit and perhaps eradicate this class of experiments.

In Second Order we ask CAN we do it? In Third Order we ask SHOULD we do it? Is it ethical, moral to do it? Will 99% of passengers on SpaceShip Earth benefit from this?

If not, which special interest benefits are benefitting from this science? How do we feel about this, given everything we know now?

In this way, all three Orders of Sciences are natural categories for rational adult thinking and feeling.

Waldorf stream of Goethean Science

Between 1890–2005, “Goethean science” referred only to renewed interest in Goethe’s scientific writings, initiated by Rudolf Steiner; and, how these were applied in middle and high school science in Waldorf K-12 schools. The worldwide expansion of Waldorf-methods, whole-child schools, 1980–2005, led to a need for better science instruction, aligned with both state education standards and healthy, modern holism. Virtually all Goethean Science literature 1995–2005 was generated by and for Waldorf science teachers teaching middle and high school.

The Three Sciences We Use Everyday departs significantly from Waldorf Goethean Science. Perhaps in 50 years the two are bound to unite. Both are a natural expansion and permutation from Goethe-in-Waldorf.

Comments invited.

Bruce Dickson is an author and Health Intuitive. He’s self-published extensively mostly on Best Practices in Energy Medicine and Holistic Brain Balance. Latest series are on Best Practices in Group Process and a book on future healthcare, in progress.



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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