Water topics in USBA ala Reams (1of4)

Bruce Dickson
8 min readJan 21, 2022


unsplash water image

Distilled water has the greatest capacity of all waters for eliminating and/or diluting the salts in the body, thus lowering the conductivity and thus making it easier to adjust or change the body’s pH. …

Due to the ability of Distilled water to conform to the pH of all the diverse organs and cell tissues throughout the body, it is therefore able to nicely and non-intrusively “fit” into the needs of aiding all the diverse functions of all the diverse organs with all their diverse pH’s throughout the entire body

~ Scott Wood on Groups.IO RBTI forum 2018 Full Text: https://groups.io/g/RBTI/topic/distilled_water_for_ph_s/24877110?p=

Water plays a big role in USBA ala Reams. Since the 1950s at least, valid water information has competed with water MISinformation. In your freshman year, your two-week curriculum block on water will guide you towards what is worth knowing; as well, how to avoid water fallacies people are so often mired in. A summary of this curriculum block:

- Salt, sugar and urea numbers can be moved with water,

- Is changed-state water more beneficial for human use?

- Distilled water ~ How medicinal is it? Who benefits most from distilled water? Who should drink distilled water all day long? Who should not? Limitations of the benefits of distilled water. The many unresolved, unfunded research questions of distilled water,

- Lemon juice in distilled water ~ What are its therapeutic properties? Common error: making it too strong. Who benefits most from lemon water? Who should drink lemon water all day long? Who should not? Limitations of the benefits of lemon water,

- Water fads, contesting and rectifying Your Body’s Many Cries for Water (1995),

- Interfacial water (exclusion Zone, EZ water) in USBA,

- Millivolt electrical (ethericity) nature of interfacial water,

- Dr. Jerry Tennant on “pH equals micro-voltage,”

- Does changed-state water facilitate interfacial water in the body?

- Phase angle measurement and hydration. Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Zach Bush (2018).

Celebrating healthy kidney function

Our engineering is always really fascinating. In an adult, the kidneys are designed to clear about 55 gallons of blood a day. You’re filtering 55 gallons of blood/plasma/water every single day.

Think about how much water you drink a day. The average American, I believe, drinks less than a liter of water a day. You’re drinking almost nothing, and yet your kidneys are filtering through 55 gallons, trying to figure out what to kick out, what to keep, which solutes are important, which ones are waste. If you’re giving it no water to work with, it’s main mechanism for detoxing and cleansing of our blood is way limited. You’ve got to increase your water intake … — Dr. Zach Bush interviewed by Mercola, citation below.

Hunza changed-state water

1948–1955, “Hunza water” was the first modern water anomaly. Reports of the longevity of people living in the Hunza Valley in rural northern Pakistan began circulating in the USA in fringe, health food, FATE magazine and UFO community newsletters. These indigenous people drank only melted glacier water, melted ice. The topic dovetails with later interests in Viktor Shauberger; and later, Gerald Pollacks’ interfacial water.

Debate continued for the next 80 years on whether the benefits of Hunza water were due to:

- Increased minerals,

- State-change from water to ice to water,

- or both?

State-changed water

Proponents believe either freezing-unfreezing or steam distillation, creates drinking water with lower surface tension. The most simple method to get water to change state is freezing water in ice cube trays before drinking. Seemingly simple to prove one way or the other, controversy on the truth persists even into the year 2121.


One claim about changed-state water is it has lower surface tension. Surface tension of liquids is measured in Dynes. Hunza Valley water is said to have surface tension of about 55 Dynes.

Most tap water is about 73 Dynes. This number is too high to properly hydrate your cells. Your body has to work to convert the water to a lower Dyne of approximately 45 Dynes so it can be absorbed by human cells. This takes a lot of time and energy. Your body has to work pretty hard to absorb water at 73 Dyne.

The lower the surface tension — the lower the Dyne — the wetter the water. The water becomes a bit more sociable — this is good. If you are consuming tap water, bottled water, filtered water — pretty much any water which has a surface tension in the 70s, you are not as healthily hydrated as you could be.


We look forward to conclusive research proving changing the state of water prior to drinking lowers the surface tension and lower-Dyne water is better for drinking; or, has greater therapeutic value. If you have a research protocol to prove this, please contact your local USBA Healthcare College.

Salt & sugar numbers can be moved with water

In a test-result-number array ala Dr. Reams, if both salts © and carbs (Brix) numbers are both either too high or too low, this points to hydration:

- If both are too high ~ Drinking more distilled water, more often, will lower these numbers.

- If both are too low ~ The possibility exists you are drinking too much water or too much each time (Betty Reams June 29, 2021 webinar paraphrase).

Distilled water grabs mineral ions

Because distilled water is “empty” of mineral ions, it is “hungry” and “desires” mineral ions.

A common pattern of sick patrons is both Carbs and Salts numbers are too high. These people benefit from distilled water and only distilled water, until the numbers come down towards A Range.

A less common pattern is patrons whose Carbs and Salts numbers are not problematic, not their highest priority.

These people benefit from a more detailed written prescription, they can refer to later, of how much distilled water to drink how often. One way people exit A Range is drinking too much distilled water, too many hours, every day. Too much distilled water can lower your electrolytes below your optimal 6–7 C.

It’s easy to be unaware you are low on minerals. If you are, consistent drinking of distilled or demineralized water can create an electrolyte deficiency. An exaggerated example makes this clear:

In the 1980s, in the early days of chelation IV drips, an elderly woman whose vital signs were all normal, came to a chelation clinic to have EDTA chelation. This was her first and last visit. Her aim was preventive, to clean out any un-needed arterial plaque. After sitting in the chair with the EDTA feed for 30–40 minutes, she passed out. The doctors immediately had her taken to the emergency ward; however she died. The autopsy revealed she had been stripped of all her electrolytes. This will kill anyone. She was already borderline low on minerals. Everyone was unaware of this. To EDTA, calcium ions look like metallic ions. EDTA catches them and escorts them out of the body.

The solution? EDTA patrons have to be taking minerals consistently for two weeks prior to their first EDTA treatment. They discontinue taking minerals 36 hours prior to treatment; and, to 12 hours after treatment This way while the EDTA strips out UNNEEDED metallic and calcium ions from where they are NOT NEEDED in the body. When EDTA lowers their electrolytes, patrons still have enuf calcium and electrolytes in reserve to weather the treatment — Paraphrased from Richard Straub, Health Psychology a BioPsychosocial Approach (fourth edition, 2014) pg 551.

To safely drink distilled water every day, all day, for weeks or months at a time, you have to be supplementing your diet with calcium and other bulk mineral powders.

The exception is people like Thomas Edison. He cured his arthritis by only drinking distilled water. We don’t know for how many hours a day or for how many months or years. We can speculate Edison benefited because he had both high Brix and high Salt numbers. The body was storing waste calcium compounds wherever it could, including in his fingers and joints. Giving the era of his childhood, his body was likely well-mineralized prior to his arthritis.

Another case of distilled water removing minerals where they do not belong: “… Distilled water is where he started. Blind in one eye. After 3 months on distilled water, he began to see the largest letter on the eye chart.” — RBTI Facebook group participant.

Many naturopaths recommend distilled water for a variety of conditions. In USBA we prefer a more precise concept: If a test-result-number array shows both high carbs and high salts, the person will always benefit from drinking more water until those numbers moderate An every-thirty-minutes alarm device can be a big support here.

Betty Reams-Hernandez on this topic

“The answer to the question, ”Doesn’t distilled water wash out my minerals?” is this. Any beneficial minerals you have taken in, have already been escorted into your cells. Most people are so mineral-deficient any beneficial minerals are used ASAP. After 12–24 hours, no beneficial minerals are hanging around unused. The minerals distilled water does remove, are minerals outside the cells, in the joints and other places like the eyes where excess calcium does not belong — Betty Reams-Hernandez, June 29, 2021 webinar, two separate remarks converged, slightly revised for clarity.

Q: What is the difference between IV drip EDTA chelation and distilled water?

A: Distilled water is medicinal like EDTA, yet, less intensely “desirous” of metallic ions.

EDTA will remove calcium and all metallic ions from the blood circulation. It does this much faster and more aggressively than distilled water. Because distilled water is gentler than EDTA, it’s more likely to remove excess minerals from where they are stored awaiting removal. Yet too much distilled water too often, especially without minerals supplementing, will lower your Brix and Salts number out of A Range.

Best Practice with distilled water for everyone

One single practice with distilled water has wide agreement across many holistic-complementary-alternative healthcare modes: Drink 4–8 ounces of room temperature distilled water upon waking. Hardly anyone would be an exception to this as a Best Practice.

If you are struggling with calcium plaque buildup on your teeth overnight, you can brush your teeth with distilled water.

Distilled water vs. our Mineral Body

In Reams’ day, most new patients commonly had too-high carbs and too-high ureas. This appears to be why Reams talked as if distilled water for all day long, for months or years, was a good idea.

Since the 2060s, more and more people are eating better. Their carb and urea numbers are not so high. Now keeping their electrolytes in A Range is more of an issue.

This suggests if your carbs and ureas numbers are in or close to A Range, it’s possible too much distilled water too often will dilute your electrolytes (salts) too much. In biology, did we mention “the Devil is in the details”?



Bruce Dickson
Bruce Dickson

Written by Bruce Dickson

Health Intuitive, author in Los Angeles, CA

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